Page 46 - Sotheby's Fine Chinese Art NYC September 2023
P. 46

           A PAIR OF FAMILLE-ROSE ‘DAYAZHAI’ ‘PARROT   清光緒 約1876年   粉彩壽桃鸚鵡圖長方
           each with a three-character Dayazhai mark and a five-  《大雅齋》《天地一家春》款
           character Tiandi yi jia chun oval seal mark, all in iron red (2)
           Length 7 in., 18 cm                       來源
           PROVENANCE                                Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏
           Christie’s New York, 1st December 1994, lot 446.
           Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf.
           Among the thirty-one drawings for Dayazhai wares
           commissioned from the Imperial Embroidery Workshop
           in 1874 is a design for a ‘rectangular flowerpot of peach
           blossoms and fruits’, where the notes specify that the
           blooming peach branches be laden with ripe fruit, together
           with a pair of parrots. Both the peach and parrot, with
           their long lifespan, were popular symbols of longevity.
           A drawing for the design is illustrated in Guanyang ciqi:
           Gugong bowuyuancang Qing dai zhici guanyang yu yuyao ciqi
           [Official Designs and Imperial Porcelain: Official Porcelain
           Designs and Imperial Qing Dynasty Porcelains in the Palace
           Museum], Beijing, 2007, pl. 31, where it is illustrated
           alongside a purple-ground jardinière and stand of the same
           design. Compare a single white-ground jardinière of the
           same design in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in
           Ying-Chen Peng, Artful Subversion. Empress Dowager Cixi’s
           Image Making, Yale, 2023, p. 82, fig. 55.
           $ 20,000-30,000

           Design of a ‘parrot and peach’ rectangular jardinière, ink and color on paper, late Qing dynasty © The Palace Museum, Beijing
           清末 粉彩壽桃鸚鵡花盆圖樣 設色紙本 © 故宮博物院,北京

           88      SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11275                                                                THE LEGACY OF CIXI. LATE QING PORCELAIN FROM THE BARBARA JEAN LEVY COLLECTION  89
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