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           A GROUP OF CORAL-RED-GROUND FAMILLE-      Forbidden City. As Ying-Chen Peng argues in this catalogue
           ROSE ‘IMPERIAL WEDDING’ WARES             (p. 68), the presence of ‘Changchun tongqing’ (jointly
           QING DYNASTY, TONGZHI PERIOD              celebrating eternal spring) inscriptions may also suggest
                                                     they were commissioned for a wedding banquet to be held in
           comprising two large bowls, two zhadou, a pair of cups   Changchungong, within the Forbidden City. A bowl from this
           and stands, four dishes of varying sizes, fourteen bowls of   service in the Palace Museum, Beijing is illustrated Zhang
           varying shapes and sizes, two bowl covers, and two spoons,   Han, ‘Xiqing jixiang: Wanqing Tongzhi dahun ciqi pashu
           most with dragon and phoenix roundels and a four-character   [Auspicious: Late Qing Dynasty Tongzhi wedding porcelain]’,
           Changchun tongqing mark or a Yanxi tonghe mark in iron red,   Forbidden City, vol. 12, 2020, p. 104. Compare also a large
           together with a large bowl of similar pattern with a Guangxu   circular box and cover in the Qing Court Collection, likely
           four-character mark in iron red and a ‘xi’ saucer with a   belonging to the same commission, illustrated in The
           Tongzhi four-character mark in iron red (32)  Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
           Diameter of largest 8¼ in., 21.2 cm
                                                     Porcelains with Cloisonné Enamel Decoration and Famille
                                                     Rose Decoration, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 231.
           the pair of zhadou: Solveig and Anita Gray, London,   $ 40,000-60,000
           18th October 1993.
           a bowl, cover, and saucer: Solveig and Anita Gray, London,
           5th November 1993.                        清同治   珊瑚紅地粉彩開光龍鳳呈祥紋
           the pair of large bowls and a pair of small bowls: Luen Chai   瓷一組
           Curios Store, Hong Kong, 31st December 1993.
           one bowl: Ronald W. Longsdorf, 24th January 1994.   《長春同慶》《燕喜同和》《光緒年
           the Tongzhi mark and period saucer: Jonathan Robinson   製》《同治年製》款
           Oriental Ceramics & Works of Art, London, 17th March 1994.
           two bowls and the pair of spoons: Eileen Kershaw, Hong   及 珊瑚紅地粉彩開光龍鳳呈祥紋盌《光緒年製》
           Kong, 1st January 1995.                   款、珊瑚紅地粉彩折枝花卉紋小盤《同治年製》款
           one saucer: P.C. Lu Works of Art Limited, Hong Kong,
           6th January 1995.                         來源
           three bowls: Solveig and Anita Gray, London,   渣斗一對: Solveig and Anita Gray,倫敦,1993年10月
           15th November 1995.                       18日
           one bowl: Chinese Arts & Crafts (H.K.) Ltd., Hong Kong,   蓋、盌、小盤: Solveig and Anita Gray,倫敦,1993年
           25th December 1995.                       11月5日
           one dish: Orientique, Hong Kong, 5th January 2005.  大盌一對、小盌一對: 聯齊古玩號,香港,1993年12
                                                     盌之一: Ronald W. Longsdorf, 1994年1月24日
           Ronald W. Longsdorf, ‘The Tongzhi Imperial Wedding
           Porcelain’, Orientations, October 1996, figs 24, 29-31.  《同治年製》款小盤: Jonathan Robinson Oriental
                                                     Ceramics & Works of Art, 倫敦,1994年3月17日
           This extraordinary assemblage adorned with dragons and   盌兩件、勺一對: Eileen Kershaw,香港,1995年1月
           phoenixes is believed to have been produced as part of the   1日
           famous ‘Wedding Set’ of porcelains commissioned for the
           marriage of the Tongzhi Emperor in 1872. The preparation   小盤之一: P.C. Lu Works of Art Limited,香港,1995
           for the wedding, including commissions for the porcelain,   年1月6日
           began in 1867, but the quality of the first shipment was   盌三件: Solveig and Anita Gray,倫敦,1995年11月15
           well below Cixi’s standard. It was not until the year of the   日
           wedding that the imperial kiln submitted works that were   盌之一: 中藝(香港)有限公司,香港,1995年12月
           deemed satisfactory.                      25日
           The works in the present service are replete with auspicious   盤之一: 古慶堂,香港,2005年1月5日
           designs of marital harmony. The dragon and phoenix,   出版
           representative of the emperor and empress, are separated   Ronald W. Longsdorf,〈The Tongzhi Imperial Wedding
           by double xi (happiness) characters, repeated to the   Porcelain〉,《Orientations》,1996年10月, 圖24及29
           interiors. Some of the pieces in the service are inscribed
           ‘Yanxi tonghe’, a phrase that combines the palaces names   至31
           for the Tongzhi Emeror’s empress and consort in the

           80      SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11275                                                                THE LEGACY OF CIXI. LATE QING PORCELAIN FROM THE BARBARA JEAN LEVY COLLECTION  81
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