Page 44 - Sotheby's Fine Chinese Art NYC September 2023
P. 44

           A YELLOW-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE ‘MAGPIE      清同治   黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋盤
           AND PRUNUS’ DISH
           MARK AND PERIOD OF TONGZHI                《同治年製》款
           the base with a four-character mark in iron red   來源
           Diameter 11 in., 28 cm
           Ming Gallery, Hong Kong, 21st December 1996.
           Porcelains adorned with magpies and blossoming prunus
           were one of the types of wares commissioned for the
           Tongzhi Emperor’s wedding in 1872. The event was
           particularly significant as it was the first imperial wedding
           of a sitting emperor since that of the Kangxi Emperor, over
           200 years earlier. Approximately 7,000 individual porcelains
           of various forms (some functional, others purely decorative)
           were ordered for this celebration in twenty-three specially-
           commissioned designs.
           A drawing of the design of the magpies and prunus is
           preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing, where it notes the
           quantities of each form to be produced, see Guanyang ciqi:
           Gugong bowuyuancang Qing dai zhici guanyang yu yuyao ciqi
           [Official Designs and Imperial Porcelain: Official Porcelain
           Designs and Imperial Qing Dynasty Porcelains in the Palace
           Museum], Beijing, 2007, pl. 12, where it is illustrated
           alongside a slightly smaller dish (22cm diameter) of the
           same design (also illustrated on the front cover). Compare
           another dish (26cm diameter) in the Chang Foundation,
           Taipei, illustrated in Ronald W. Longsdorf, ‘The Tongzhi
           Imperial Wedding Porcelain’, Orientations, October 1996,
           p. 73, fig. 13.
           The popularity of the design of magpies and prunus at the
           late Qing court is illustrated by the Xianfeng Emperor and
           Dowager Empress Cixi’s admiration for Tang Zhengzhong’s
           (fl. late 12th - early 13th century) Fragrant Dreams of Luofu,
           recorded as being in the Imperial Collection in the Shiqu
           baoji san bian. The original painting (now held in a private
           collection) bears a colophon by the Xianfeng Emperor,
           expressing his admiration for the image. Cixi later painted a
           copy of it, completed in 1889, which is now in the collection
           of the the Long Museum, Shanghai, and illustrated in Ying-
           Chen Peng, Artful Subversion. Empress Dowager Cixi’s Image
           Making, Yale, 2023, p. 136, fig. 86.
           $ 20,000-30,000

           84      SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N11275                                                                THE LEGACY OF CIXI. LATE QING PORCELAIN FROM THE BARBARA JEAN LEVY COLLECTION  85
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