Page 256 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Important Chinese Ceramics and Art
P. 256



A RARE INSCRIBED BOOK-FORM BRUSHPOT                                               清乾隆  墨彩御製詩筆筒  礬紅方框六字篆書款

QIANLONG SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARK WITHIN A SQUARE IN                               筆筒作開卷式,通體白釉,以墨彩勾勒頁面,內隸書御製詩《題唐岱秋
IRON RED AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795)                                            「乾」「隆」,裏及底均施松石綠釉。

The brushpot is finely potted in the form of an open book. The                    釋文:
exterior is inscribed with an imperial poem by Emperor Qianlong                   唐生胸中有廬霍,為余一寫秋山狀。
executed in clerical script, lishu, followed by an inscription                    毫端氣韻擅蕭踈,邱壑縱橫出心匠。
Qianlong yuzhi (‘Made by Imperial command of the Qianlong                         遠峰螺髻翠欲滴,飛龍直下噴銀浪。
Emperor’) and two seal marks ‘Qian’ and ‘Long’ in a square                        招提想像晚鐘鳴,森列松杉作屏障。
respectively, in vivid iron red. The rim is gilt and the interior and             我聞山水貴可居,臥遊亦足娛清曠。
base are covered in turquoise enamel.                                             展對蕭齋秋意深,拂拂金風侵几上。
3 æ in. (9.5 cm.) high, box                                                       烏鵲棲穩人行少,弗弗霜風窻外掃。
HK$600,000-800,000                                            US$78,000-100,000  地罏然炭暖氣徐,俯仰丈室慚溫飽。
The present brushpot belongs to a group of ceramics which were made               境遇由來不可齊,消懐聊把陳篇考。
to simulate other materials in a playful attempt at trompe-l’oeil or a ‘trick     忽聼霜鐘送林杪,踈櫺影度梅香悄。
of the eye’. Because of the flexibility and ease of use of ceramic clay and       喜對清光延佇吟,殘更欲盡雞啼曉。
the expansive range of enamel colours available, many porcelain items
during the Qianlong period were made to imitate other things.                     傳世乾隆御製詩筆筒均為小件。此件筆筒上所題之兩首御製詩均出自
Qianlong period porcelain brushpots inscribed with imperial poems                 堂全集》的多半為大型陳設器,但亦有少量如鼻煙壺,壁瓶以及如此件
by the Emperor are all comparatively small in size. The two poems                 筆筒之小件器。可參考一件清乾隆墨彩題詩筆筒,載於《故宮博物院藏
inscribed on the present brushpot are recorded in Leshantang quanji,              御製詩陶瓷器》,北京,2016年,頁208-209。
‘Complete Works from the Leshan Hall’, vol. 21 (fig. 1) a collection of
poems and essays written by Qianlong when he was still a prince. The
majority of known porcelain objects inscribed with imperial poems
recorded in Leshantang quanji are larger pieces for display purposes,
but a small group of small objects including snuff bottles, wall vases
and brushpots such as the present one also exist.

Compare, a brushpot with an imperial poem by Qianlong inscribed
in sepia, but of cylindrical form, in the collection of Palace Museum,
Beijing, and illustrated in Poem and Porcelain: The Yu Shi Shi Ceramics
in the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2016, pp. 208-209.

                                                       fig. 1

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