Page 110 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 110


                        PHYLLIS ROTHSCHILD FARLEY 單色釉瓷藏珍

                        LOT RANGE 56–57

                        The present group of Qing dynasty porcelain was   此組清代瓷珍由企業家兼慈善家Simon Frank Rothschild
                        collected by the entrepreneur and philanthropist Simon   (1861-1936)於二十世紀初集成,此後經由其家族
                        Frank Rothschild (1861-1936) in the early part of the   三代遞藏,傳承有序,來源極佳,如本次所呈清乾隆
                        20th century and has stayed in the same family for three   仿官釉闊口瓶及仿汝釉梅瓶,確切來源均可追溯至百
                        generations. Indeed, some pieces, such as the imperial   年之前,實為難得。
                        Qianlong Guan-type ovoid vase have remained in the
                        collection for over a century.            Simon Rothschild(圖一)生於阿拉巴馬州尤福拉市,                                                   Fig.1 Simon Rothschild (1861-1936)        Fig. 2 Walter N. Rothschild (1892-1960)
                        Simon Rothschild (fig. 1) was born in Eufaula, Alabama
                        and was raised in Columbus, Georgia until his family   頓。Rothschild於紐約市立學院取得商學位後加盟祖
                        moved to Manhattan in the 1870s. After graduating   父經營的製造業生意,再於1887年與兄弟聯手創立S.
                        from the College of the City of New York with a degree in   F.  &  A.  Rothschild公司。六年後,Rothschild先生與
                        business, he worked for his grandfather’s manufacturing   Nathan Straus及Isidor Straus合作,購入Joseph Wechsler
                        business before going on to co-found S. F. & A. Rothschild   旗下布魯克林百貨公司  Wechsler  &  Abraham  之股
                        with his brother in 1887. Six years later, Rothschild   份,該百貨公司由Rothschild岳父Abraham  Abraham                             in the Naval Reserve, and during the Second World War   員會執行委員會,亦是相關組織的活躍分子。Walter
                        partnered with Nathan Straus and Isidor Straus to   合作創立。其後,Rothschild  與Straus兄弟將品牌改                                    he became Chairman of the Army-Navy Commission   的妻子名為Carola  Warburg  Rothschild(1896-1987)
                        buy out Joseph Wechsler’s interest in the Brooklyn   名為Abraham  &  Straus,由Rothschild擔任高層管理                              of the National Jewish Welfare Board and oversaw   ,其父母Felix M. Warburg(1871-1937)及Frieda
                        department store Wechsler & Abraham, which had   職位。1920年,Rothschild躍升為副總裁,5年後升                                          its activities in England. He was also a Trustee of the   Schiff(1876-1958)均為著名銀行家及慈善家。二人
                        been co-founded by Rothschild’s father-in-law Abraham   任總裁,並於1930年出任董事會主席。任職總裁期                                         Federation of Jewish Philanthropies and participated   熱心公益,捐出他們在紐約第五大道1109號府邸以改
                        Abraham. Rothschild and the Strausses changed the   間,Rothschild  領導百貨公司與另外三家零售企業合                                       in the Executive Commission of the American   建成猶太博物館。時至今日,此博物館仍然是市內的
                        store’s name to Abraham & Straus, and Rothschild held   併,分別為Filene’s(位於麻省波士頓)、Lazarus(                                  Jewish Committee, as well as being active in related   重要文化機構。
                        leadership positions, rising to Vice President in 1920,   位於俄亥俄州哥倫布)及Bloomingdale’s(位於紐                                  organizations. Walter married Carola Warburg Rothschild
                        President in 1925, and Chairman of the Board in 1930. As   約),於1929年正式成立Federated  Department  Stores                    (1896–1987), who came from prominent banking   Walter  與  Carola之女Phyllis  Rothschild
                        President of the company, Rothschild oversaw significant   聯合百貨公司,公司在同年經濟大蕭條期間更是未                                        lineages on both sides of her family. Her parents, Felix   Farley(1942-2020  )是此中國瓷珍收藏的第三代繼
                        mergers with the department stores Filene’s (Boston,   辭退任何員工。Federated  Department  Stores一直屹立                          M. Warburg (1871–1937) and Frieda Schiff (1876–1958),   承人。Phyllis為紐約社會名流,曾就讀莎拉•勞倫
                        MA), Lazarus (Columbus, OH), and Bloomingdale’s   至今,現時已更名為Macy’s連鎖百貨公司。除品                                               were major philanthropists, who gave their home at   斯學院,第一任丈夫為Carl Brooks Peters(1912-1997
                        (New York, NY) to form Federated Department Stores in   牌事業外,先生對布魯克林的經濟、文化及慈善業                                           1109 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY to become The Jewish   ),第二任丈夫為Philip W. Farley(2015年逝)
                        1929, and managed to preserve all Abraham & Strauss   發展亦有傑出貢獻。他身兼多職,包括美國零售紡                                             Museum. The museum remains an important cultural   。Peters先生當時是《紐約時報》資深記者,在行
                        jobs at the company during the Great Depression of the   織品協會合辦人兼協會主席、布魯克林商會活躍成                                          institution to this day.                  內備受敬重。他在柏林就二戰初期事件所撰寫的報
                        same year. Federated Department Stores survives to   員、布魯克林音樂學院及猶太醫院院長、猶太聯合                                              Walter and Carola’s daughter, Phyllis Rothschild Farley   導,包括對1938年11月「水晶之夜」的系列導報,
                        this day and is now known as Macy’s. Outside of work,   援助協會協辦人、布魯克林希伯來孤兒協會主席,                                           (1942-2020), was the third generation of the family to   為《紐約時報》於1941年贏得了普立茲國際報道
                        Rothschild played a vital role in the commercial, cultural,   亦是許多慈善及社會公民活動的領導人物。他對藝                                     steward the Chinese porcelain collection. She was a   獎。Phyllis於1967年與Farley成婚,後者畢業於耶魯
                        and philanthropic development of Brooklyn. He helped   術興趣濃厚,精心庋集清瓷雅器並建立本收藏,此                                            prominent member of New York society who studied   大學(1942屆),同樣家世顯赫,父親是美國海運
                        create the Retail Drygoods Association and served as   後由兒子Walter傳承。                                                     at Sarah Lawrence College and went on to marry Carl   委員會主席,曾代表美國海運業出席巴黎和會。
                        its Chairman; was active in the Brooklyn Chamber of                                                                      Brooks Peters (1912-1997) and later married Philip W.
                        Commerce; was the Director of the Brooklyn Academy   Walter Nathan Rothschild(1892-1960)(圖二)繼承父                          Farley (d. 2015). Mr. Peters was a respected reporter at
                        of Music and of the Jewish Hospital; helped organize the   業,於1925年出任Abraham & Strauss的總經理,1937年                         the New York Times, whose coverage from Berlin of the
                        United Jewish Aid Societies; was Head of the Brooklyn   升任總裁,1955年擔任主席。一戰期間,Walter加入                                     early events of the Second World War, including those of
                        Hebrew Orphan Society; and took leadership roles in a   海軍預預備役部隊,二戰期間成為全國猶太人福利理                                          Kristallnacht in November 1938, helped the paper win
                        myriad of other philanthropic and civic endeavors. His   事會海陸兩軍委員會主席,管理協會在英國的活動。                                         the Pulitzer Prize for foreign reporting in 1941. After the
                        interest in art led him to collect the Qing porcelains in the   他亦是猶太人慈善協會的理事,曾加入美國猶太人委                                  marriage to Mr. Peters ended, Phyllis married Mr. Farley
                        present sale, which he then passed to his son, Walter.                                                                   in 1967. Mr Farley was a graduate of Yale University (class
                        Walter Nathan Rothschild (1892-1960) (fig. 2), followed                                                                  of 1942) and also came from a prominent family. His
                        in his father’s footsteps, becoming General Manager                                                                      father represented United States shipping matters at the
                        of Abraham & Strauss in 1925, President in 1937, and                                                                     Versailles Peace Conference and served as the Chairman
                        Chairman in 1955. During the First World War, he served                                                                  of the United States Shipping Board.

                106     SOTHEBY’S        COMPLETE CATALOGUING AVAILABLE AT SOTHEBYS.COM/N10748                                                                                   PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF PHYLLIS ROTHSCHILD FARLEY   107
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