Page 114 - Sotheby's Important Chinese Art, Sept. 21-22, 2-21, NYC
P. 114
Fig. 1 An elegant Guan-type ovoid vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong, Fig. 2 A fine teadust-glazed vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong, Sotheby’s
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 9th October 2012, lot 102 Hong Kong, 6th April 2016, lot 3605
圖一 清乾隆 仿官釉闊口瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款 香港蘇富比2012年10月9日,編號102 圖二 清乾隆 茶葉末釉闊口瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款 香港蘇富比2016年4月6日,編號3605
Since its inception in the Southern Song dynasty (1127- 宋代官窰可謂舉世之珍,自古倍受青睞。乾隆帝好古 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (acc. no. 26.292.81). 再考清代仿官釉類例,如見一與本品同類之乾隆仿官
1279), Guan (‘official’) ware has been one of the most 亦尚宋瓷,多作詩文詠讚官器,更見清宮珍藏官窰器 Another, which rests on a tall foot and has a lipped rim, is 釉闊口瓶例,胡惠春收藏,曾展《暫得樓清代官窰
coveted types of Chinese ceramics. The Qianlong Emperor 加刻御題詩者,如見兩件南宋官窰弦紋瓶,底部均刻 housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and 單色釉瓷器》,上海博物館,上海,2005年,編號35
(r. 1736-1795) was a great admirer of Guan wares and published in Rose Kerr, Song Dynasty Ceramics, London,
composed numerous poems lauding its beauty. Some of 有乾隆三十八年御題詩,現藏台北國立故宮博物院, 2004, pl. 93. Compare also a vase with cream-colored glaze, ,後售於香港蘇富比2012年10月9日,編號102 (圖一)
these poems were even inscribed onto Guan ceramics from 曾展《得佳趣:乾隆皇帝的陶瓷品味》,國立故宮博 tall neck, and lobed walls, exhibited in The Special Exhibition ;另見一乾隆釉面開片近例,出自W.W. Winkworth舊
his personal collection, as seen on two Southern Song bottle 物院,台北,2012年,編號30及31。 of Sung Dynasty Kuan Ware, National Palace Museum, 藏,先後於1966年4月26日及1972年12月12日售於倫
vases each inscribed on the base with an Imperial poem, Taipei, 1989, cat. no. 53. 敦蘇富比,編號162及編號149。再比兩件出自Evelyn
now preserved in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, and 珍賞宋窰的同時乾隆亦命景德鎮御窰廠仿宋初官窰之 For related Qing dynasty Guan-type vases, see a Qianlong Annenberg Hall收藏,其中一件釉面開片,售於紐約佳
included in the exhibition Obtaining Refined Enjoyment: 釉色及造型,以十八世紀形制及工藝燒製仿官釉器。 mark and period example of identical form to the present,
The Qianlong Emperor’s Taste in Ceramics, National Palace formerly in the J.M. Hu Collection, included in the exhibition 士得2006年3月29日,編號114及115。另有一仿汝釉
Museum, Taipei, 2012, cat. nos 30 and 31. 本品當屬此類仿官釉瓷中之精品,釉色淡藍細潤,器 Qing Imperial Monochromes. The Zande Lou Collection, 例,1991年10月29日售於香港蘇富比,編號95,入張
身見金棕細紋,仿官而製,白瓷足施褐釉,摹宋炻器 宗憲收藏,1999年11月2日再售於香港佳士得,編號
Aside from collecting and appreciating Song dynasty Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, 2005, cat. no. 35, and later
Guan wares, the Qianlong Emperor also commissioned 之棕足,傳承宋代官窰「紫口鐵足」之風格。此瓶器 sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 9th October 2012, lot 102 (fig. 503。另見一茶葉末釉例,細川家族珍藏,2014年10
Guan-type ceramics at the Imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, 形清雅罕見,乃康熙朝所創,後於乾隆時期比例微調 1); another, from the collection of W.W. Winkworth, with a 月8日售於香港蘇富比,編號3112 (圖二)。
imitating the glaze and overall appearance of early Song 後復現。 crackled glaze sold in our London rooms, 26th April 1966,
vessels, but in 18th century forms and techniques. The lot 162, and again 12th December 1972, lot 149; two other Solomon Solis Carvalho (1856-1942) 曾在赫斯特報業
present vase is a superb example of wares from this group. 兩件相近康熙青釉例,皆屬清宮舊藏,其一開片, vases from the Evelyn Annenberg Hall Collection, one with 擔任總經理兼總編職務,1914年2月於紐約美國藝術
The vessel’s unctuous, bluish glaze suffused with delicate and the other without craquelure, sold at Christie’s New
golden-brown crackles faithfully imitates Guan glazes of the 藏北京故宮博物院,載於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品 York, 29th March 2006, lots 114 and 115. A Ru-type example 聯盟上拍逾一千件中國瓷器,拍賣會題為「Beautiful
Song dynasty. Its white porcelain foot is stained brown to 全集・顏色釉》,香港,1999年,圖版127及129。 sold in these rooms, 29th October 1991, lot 95, and later at Old Chinese Porcelains: The Extraordinary Private Collection
mimic the characteristic brown foot of Song stonewares, 另一康熙青釉例,台北國立故宮博物院藏,藏品編 Christie’s Hong Kong, 2nd November 1999, lot 503, from the of S.S. Carvalho」。此瓶由時紐約市知名百貨公司
a feature derived from the purplish clay used during the 號中-瓷-005559-N000000000。尋南宋官窰原型,可比 collection of Robert Chang. Lastly, a teadust-glazed example Abraham & Straus總裁兼董事會主席Simon F. Rothschild
Song period. The vase’s rare and elegant form was devised 一直頸瓶例,現藏紐約大都會藝術博物館,藏品編號 from the collection of the Hosokawa Clan was sold in our (1861-1936) 購入,此後在家族內傳承至今,逾一世紀
in the Kangxi period (1662-1722), and was revived with 026.292.81。另一例 ,現藏倫敦維多利亞與艾爾伯特 Hong Kong rooms, 8th October 2014, lot 3112 (fig. 2).
minor variations in proportion during the Qianlong reign. Solomon Solis Carvalho (1856-1942) was a General Manager 後首次重現拍場。
Two similar Kangxi mark and period celadon-glazed vases 博物館,載於柯玫瑰《宋瓷》,倫敦,2004年,圖版 and Editor-in-Chief of Hearst Newspapers. In February 1914,
from the Qing Court Collection, one with craquelure and 93。再比一例 ,展於《宋官窰特展》,國立故宮博 he had a sale of over 1,000 lots of Chinese porcelain at the
the other without, are in the Palace Museum, Beijing, 物院,台北,1989年,編號53。 American Art Galleries, New York, titled Beautiful Old Chinese
illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Porcelains: The Extraordinary Private Collection of S.S.
Palace Museum. Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong, 1999, Carvalho. This vase was purchased by Simon F. Rothschild
pls 127 and 129; another celadon-glazed Kangxi mark and (1861-1936), president and chairman of the board at Abraham
period vase is in the National Palace Museum, Taipei (acc. & Straus, a prominent New York City department store. The
no. 中-瓷-005559-N000000000). For Southern Song vase has remained in the family ever since, appearing now at
precedents of Guan vases, see a pear-shaped example in the auction for the first time in over 100 years.