Page 44 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 44


102                                               Sheng, Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing            The creative playfulness and fascination
A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ‘BIRD AND                      Dynasties, Taipei, 1999, pl.55. For a similar        during the Qianlong period with imitating
TORTOISE’ PRICKET CANDLESTICK                     example from a private collection, see Zhang         forms of materials extended to the creation
Qing Dynasty                                      Xin, ed., Colorful, Elegant, and Exquisite: A        of similar objects in different materials. The
Each bird modelled with outstretched white        Special Exhibition of Imperial Enamel Ware           present lot is an example of this, with similar
enamelled wings, the feathers well detailed in    from Mr. Robert Chang’s Collection, Suzhou,          candlesticks also found carved from jade
gilt wire, standing with gilt clawed feet atop    2007, p.72; and another, formerly in the             such as lot 260, carved from spinach green
the green, turquoise and blue enamelled           Kitson Collection, is illustrated by Sir Harry       jade and a pair from the Lady Lever Art
tortoise embracing paired red enamelled           Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné               Gallery Collection, illustrated in S.C.Nott,
serpents, all within a saucer raised on gilt      Enamels, London, 1970, pl.74B. See also              Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages, Vermont,
humanoid feet, the rim and base with lotus        a similar pair sold in our New Bond Street           1973, pl.XCI.
scrolls, the exterior walls with upright petals.  salerooms, 5 Nov 2009, lot 42.                       The tortoise (gui), one of the four revered
21cm (8 1/4in) high                               All examples, though illustrating an identical       ancient animals, symbolises the North and is
                                                  concept of design, conveying the wish for            often depicted with a snake, as in the present
£5,000 - 7,000                                    ‘peace under heaven’, show certain variations        example. Tortoises represent the creation of
CNY48,000 - 68,000                                in their modelling and detail of decoration.         all beings and also symbolise longevity, since
HK$59,000 - 82,000                                Compare the variations in the shape of the           they were believed to live for ten thousand
                                                  saucers, drip pans and tortoises and the             years. A bird standing at the head of a tortoise
Similar cloisonné enamel bird and tortoise        enamelled detailing of the waves, lotus scrolls,     relates to the wish for success in the Imperial
candlesticks are in important public and          lappets and feathers. The present lot, though        Jinshi examinations and by implication, a
private collections. For a single example         sharing all characteristics with the noted           successful career leading to status, wealth
from the Qing Court Collection at the             examples, is particularly rare for its variation of  and power; see P.B.Welch, Chinese Art: A
Palace Museum, Beijing, see The Complete          form of the bird with its closed pointed beak        Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery, Vermont,
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:     and upright spread wings.                            2008, p.106.
Metal-bodied Enamel Ware, Hong Kong,
2002, pl.151; for a pair from the National
Palace Museum, Taipei, see Chen Hsia-

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