Page 106 - Fine Chinese Paintings, Asia Week Christies 2015
P. 106
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on paper
Inscribed with the poem Love Seeds by Wang Wei (701-761) and
signed by the artist, with two seals
Dated spring, frst month, guiyou year (1933)
Further inscribed with a poem and signed by Wu Hufan (1894-1968)
and Xie Yuqin (1899-1935), with a total of three seals
One collector’s seal of Wu Bicheng (20th century)
52 Ω x 19 in. (133.5 x 48 cm.)
Acquired in Hong Kong in the late 1950s.
The poem by Wang Wei and inscribed by Zhang Daqian may be translated as:
The red bean grows in southern lands.
With spring its slender tendrils twine.
Gather for me some more, I pray,
Of fond remembrance ‘tis the sign.
—Translated by W.J. Fletcher, 1918
The red bean or ‘love seed’, which the lady in the painting is holding, was 張大千 相思 設色紙本 鏡框 一九三三年作
a symbol of love in ancient China. In keeping with the theme, Wu Hufan’s 題識:紅豆生南國,春來發幾枝。願君多採擷,此物最相思。
colophon talks about the beauty of women in springtime and that of Xie Yuqin 癸酉(1933年)春正月,蜀人張爰。
mentions the red beans and feminine beauty. 鈐印:張爰、大千
The willowy and ethereal physique of this lady is typical of Zhang Daqian’s fgural 般宜,識著春衫應更好。錄清真詞題大千畫。吳湖帆。
style in his early years before he studied and copied the Buddhist paintings in the 鈐印:吳湖帆印
Dunhuang caves in 1941-43 and absorbed Indian infuences. The facial, bodily, 謝玉庈題識:長眉畫後尚惺忪,紅豆江南酒面濃。別有風情笑
and environmental aspects of this painting, as well as the calligraphy, compare 周昉,不教春色秘屏風。玉庈居士題。
closely to another depiction, painted around 1929, of a woman in a garden setting, 鈐印:謝、韋齋
Lady in Green Sleeves, in the Mei Yun Tang Collection (Mei Yun Tang and the 吳壁城(20世紀)藏印:吳壁城
Art Gallery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Mei Yun Tang Collection
of Paintings by Chang Dai-chien, Hong Kong 1993, no. 1, pp. 42-43, 212).
Wu Bicheng (20th century) was a collector from the Jiangnan province in 注:紅豆,又名相思子,在中國古典傳統中經常被比作寄托了
China. The founder of the Sigu Zhai Antique Shop in Shanghai, he had a close 相思之意的愛情象征。而張大千的《相思》有了吳湖帆和謝玉
relationship with many artists, including Zhang Daqian, Wu Hufan, and 庈的題識潤色,也變得更加韻味雋永:吳湖帆與謝玉庈的題識
Feng Chaoren. 將女人如花似柳的美貌比喻得惟妙惟肖,與張大千的仕女畫相