Page 108 - Fine Chinese Paintings, Asia Week Christies 2015
P. 108


Born in Anhui in 1903, Han Lih-wu (Hang Liwu) studied       485
politics at the University of London. He then returned
to China and worked as a teacher before becoming            ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
Minister of Education and an official in the Nationalist
Government. He also served as a liaison with England for    THREE GENTLEMEN ON MOUNT EMEI
his familiarity with the country.
                                                            Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on paper
When Nanjing was occupied by the Japanese troops in         Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist
1937-1938, Han Lih-wu played a role in the creation and     Dated frst month, bingwu year (1946)
administration of the International Committee for Nanjing   Dedicated to Yunsun
Safety Zone. It was during this period that Mr. Han         37 x 21 in. (93.9 x 53.6 cm.)
became active in the preservation of art: he participated
in the recovery of antiquities from the Chaotian Palace,    $90,000-130,000
which were sent to the West in order to avoid damage
during the war. Prior to the Huaihai Campaign of 1948,      As Zhang Daqian states in his inscription, the subject of this painting is the three
Mr. Han was in charge of transporting national treasures    peaks of Mount Emei, a famous scenic spot in his home province of Sichuan.
from Mainland China to Taiwan. In addition, he helped       Zhang Daqian visited Mount Emei fve times between June 1939 and August
painter Zhang Daqian and his family flee to Taiwan,         1948 and made a number of paintings depicting these much loved vistas. He once
along with the collection of 78 paintings which were later  recalled seeing the mountaintops from an airplane, “Seeing the three summits of
donated to the Joint Management Office of the National      Mount Emei in person is an incredibly rare experience for an artist. When I few
Central Museum Library and Museum in Taiwan.                back to Ya’an, I secretly hoped that the airplane would fy over it again, and was
                                                            astonished that it was indeed slowly passing Emei. The day was clear and sunny
杭立武於1903年出生於安徽省滁州。 1929年畢業於倫敦大學                             and the images of the three summits were impressed in my memory forever,
後歸國,自此投身於教育、文化及外交事業。因熟悉英國情                                  inspiring me to create this painting.”
況,曾被蔣介石派任為對英國的聯絡員。 1937年12月至1938
年2月,南京被日軍佔領前後,杭立武發起成立了著名的保障                                 張大千 峨眉三頂 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四六年作
難民安全與生活的“安全區”,並擔任國際救濟機構“南京安                                 題識:千重雪嶺棲鷲,一片雲濤護寶航。五嶽歸來姿坐臥,
全區國際委員會”總幹事。不久,杭立武奉命護送朝天宮故宮                                 忽驚神秀在西方。棲下奪靈字。雲蓀仁兄方家正之,丙戌
文物,將14,571箱故宮文物水陸並進運往到安全之處,遠避戰                              (1946年)正月,大千張爰,以元人趙善長筆寫峨眉三頂。
禍。在1948年淮海戰役前夕,杭立武不但繼續承擔了故宮國寶                               鈐印:張爰之印、大千
送到台灣,並畫作交給“國立中央博物圖書院館聯合管理處”                                 注:1939年6月至1948年8月之間,張大千前後五次遊覽峨眉
保管。抗戰和內戰兩次大規模遷運故宮國寶。中華文物精粹能                                 山,創作峨眉題材的相關作畫近十幅。關於《峨眉三頂》題
夠免於戰火和文革,完整保存至今,杭立武功不可沒。晚年仍                                 材的創作,張大千自己曾經說過:“看過三頂,對於一個作畫
積極不懈地從事國民外交、保障人權和救助難民等工作。                                   的人來說真是難得的機會。我一聽到飛往雅安空中心裡就想,

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