Page 85 - Longsdorf Collection of Song Ceramics, 2013, J.J. Lally, New York
P. 85

44.  A White Cizhou P ottery Meiping
                 Jin Dynasty (A.D. 1115–1234)

                 with high rounded shoulders, short narrow neck and wide flat mouth with galleried rim, the sides
                 enlivened by horizontal wheel marks and tapering to a ring foot enclosing a countersunk base,
                 covered with a cream-white slip under a clear glaze, the edge of the foot unglazed showing the
                 gray stoneware.

                 Height 6 ⁄8 inches (16.9 cm)
                 Compare the similar white Cizhou meiping of larger size in Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Chinese Ceramics
                 I, Tokyo, 1988, p. 133, no. 531. The same Cizhou meiping is illustrated again in Shiro to kuro no kyōen: Chūgoku Jishū yōkei
                 tōki no sekai (Charm of Black & White Ware: Transition of Cizhou Type Wares), Osaka, 2002, p. 61, no. 5.
                 Compare also the taller plain white meiping of closely related form, illustrated in the catalogue of the Osaka Municipal
                 Museum exhibition entitled Sō Gen no bijutsu (The Arts of the Song and Yuan), Tokyo, 1980, no. 116.
                 Two white Cizhou pottery truncated meiping with painted decoration, showing a very similar treatment of the mouth, are
                 illustrated by Mino, Freedom of Clay and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou Type Wares, 960–1600
                 A.D., Indianapolis, 1980, pp. 198–201, pls. 87 and 88.

                 金 磁州白釉梅瓶 高 16.9 厘米
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90