Page 89 - Longsdorf Collection of Song Ceramics, 2013, J.J. Lally, New York
P. 89

47.  A Cizhou Carved White-Glazed Meiping
                 Jin Dynasty (A.D. 1115–1234)

                 of stoutly potted ovoid form, boldly decorated with broad bands of foliate scroll on the swelling
                 sides below a matching narrow band high on the rounded shoulders surmounted by a narrow
                 mouth with square-cut flanged rim above a collar of overlapping petals, the decoration all carved
                 through the cream-white slip to the mottled oatmeal-colored pottery ground and covered with a
                 clear glaze, the sides tapering down to a wide foot enclosing a countersunk flat base.

                 Height 12 inches (30.5 cm)
                 A similar Cizhou white-glazed meiping of more slender proportions with less elaborately carved foliate scroll decoration on
                 a hatched ground is illustrated by Ayers, The Baur Collection: Chinese Ceramics, Vol. I, Geneva, 1968, fig A75.
                 金 磁州白釉刻花梅瓶 高 30.5 厘米
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