Page 87 - Longsdorf Collection of Song Ceramics, 2013, J.J. Lally, New York
P. 87
45. A Cizhou P ottery Jar W ith R ouletted Decoration
Northern Song Dynasty (A.D. 960–1127)
of spherical form, covered with a dark olive-brown slip layered over a cream-white underslip and
cut with a sharp-toothed roulette tool to show short strokes of white in loosely arranged horizontal
rows, the short neck and broad ring foot in plain white and the interior glazed olive-brown, with a
glossy transparent glaze all over.
Height 3 ⁄4 inches (8.3 cm)
A similar jar is illustrated by Ayers, The Baur Collection: Chinese Ceramics, Vol. I, Geneva, 1968, no. A76, and the same jar
is illustrated by Tregear, Song Ceramics, London, 1982, p. 95, no. 96, and another similar jar is illustrated by Krahl, Chinese
Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, Volume One, London, 1994, p. 265, no. 486.
Other examples are in the Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Chinese Ceramics I, Tokyo, 1988, p. 141, no. 564;
in Mayuyama, Seventy Years, Vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, no. 574, now in the Umezawa Gallery; in the catalogue of The Raymond A.
Bidwell Collection of Chinese Bronzes and Ceramics, Springfield, 1965, p. 72 left; and in Black Porcelain from the Mr. and Mrs.
Yeung Wing Tak Collection, Guangzhou, 1997, pp. 94–95, no. 45, described as Baofeng ware from Henan province.
北宋 磁州黑釉剔籠紋小罐 高 8.3 厘米
46. A Cizhou P olychrome-P ainted Bowl
Jin Dynasty (A.D. 1115–1232)
with rounded flaring sides resting on a stoutly potted ring foot, covered inside and out with chalk-
white slip, boldly painted in bright iron-red and green enamel with a songbird shown in profile
perched on a leafy branch in a central medallion framed by five concentric rings interspersed with
clustered green dots lined up on an inner circle, all covered with a clear glaze, the exterior plain
and the white slip ending above the foot, the exposed stoneware fired tan-brown, the inset base
with a single indecipherable character written in black ink.
Diameter 5 ⁄2 inches (14 cm)
Cizhou bowls of this red and green enamelled type are usually decorated with fish or flower motifs. Examples with bird
designs are rare.
Compare the Cizhou bowl of this form painted in red and green with an aquatic bird design in the collection of the Tokyo
National Museum, illustrated in the catalogue entitled Chūgoku no tōji: tokubetsu ten (Chinese Ceramics: Special Exhibition),
Tokyo, 1994, p. 147, no. 216. The same bowl is previously published in the catalogue of the Osaka Municipal Museum
exhibition entitled Sō Gen no bijutsu (The Arts of the Song and Yuan), Tokyo, 1980, col. pl. 26.
金 磁州白地紅綠彩雀紋碗 徑 14 厘米