Page 87 - Japnese Art Netsuke, Okimono, Lempertz June 2, 2019
P. 87


                                 443                                               445

        443	 An ivory netsuke of a bird-of-    444	 An ivory netsuke of a cluster of   445	 An ivory netsuke of a miniature
            paradise. Early 19th century      shells, by Nagamitsu. 19th century  carving between two aoi-leaves.
                                                                                Late 19th century
            Perched on a ring fixed to the top of    Eight clams lying open on top of
            a pillar, with six long and finely en-  each other with miniature depictions   Two long-stemmed aoi-leaves lying
            graved peacock-like feathers bearing    of the Ômi hakkei (Eight views of   on top of each other with a minutely
            a nice golden yellow patina.      Lake Biwa). Nicely worn.          detailed rendering of an equestrian
                                              Signed Nagamitsu saku.            game (yabusame) to the inside. The
            The so-called bird-of-paradise (jap.   Length 4.5 cm                surface of the leaves finely polished,
            sankôchô) is said to be Japan’s most                                with a glossy patina. Signed Masahiro
            beautiful bird. For a more dynamic   Literature                     and a seal Hosai on a raised reserve.
            study of the same motif see Neil   Illustrated in: Karl M. Schwarz,    Width 4.1 cm
            Davey, The M.T. Hindson Collection,   Netsuke Subjects, Vienna 1992, p.
            London 1982, p. 50.               133, no. 381                      Provenance
            Height 5.5 cm                     Compare a similar model in: Ueda   Lempertz, Cologne 10.6.2006, lot 1035
                                              Reikichi, Netsuke Handbook, Rutland,
            Literature                        Tokyo, 1973, p. 96                Literature
            Illustrated in: Karl M. Schwarz,    Compare the signature with one of   Compare the signature in: MCI p. 414
            Netsuke Subjects, Vienna, 1992, p.129,   a Tokyo carver, active in 1820-50, in:
            no. 366                           MCI, p. 585                       € 700	–	800
            € 900	–	1.200                     € 750	–	850

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