Page 46 - Fine Chinese Paintings Sept 2016
P. 46

PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN 私人珍藏                                               51  Father of Ha’te and Zhang Daqian at Ha’te’s
                                                                               home in Carmel, 1967.
51                                    friends throughout the artist’s life.
                                      Ha’te, who is still the owner of this    哈特的父親與張大千1967年攝於哈特卡梅爾宅。
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)              painting, occasionally played guitar
Bird on Branch                        while the artist worked.

Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and   張大千 紅葉小鳥 設色紙本 鏡框
color on paper                        一九六七年作
27 x 32 Ω in. (68.5 x 82 cm.)         題識:哈特先生留念。丁未
Inscribed and signed, with two seals  (1967年)秋,蜀郡張大千爰。
of the artist                         鈐印:張爰之印、大千居士
Dated autumn, dingwei year (1967)     來源:直接得自畫家本人。
Dedicated to Ha’te                    註: 張大千為哈特先生畫這幅畫
$70,000-100,000                       哈特先生時。哈特先生珍藏此畫
PROVENANCE                            居臺灣後再次去拜訪他,並與之
Acquired directly from the artist.    先生會在張大千先生作畫時彈奏
Zhang Daqian painted this picture
for the recipient when he met him
while living in Carmel, California.
The owner of the painting visited
Zhang Daqian after the artist moved
to Taiwan and the two remained
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