Page 198 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 198
1416 林風眠 蘆葦 水墨紙本 鏡框
LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991) 款識:林風暝。
Reed Pond 鈐印:林風暝印
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代書畫拍賣,2012年11月,編號1388。
66 x 66 cm. (26 x 26 in.)
Signed, with one seal of the artist
PROVENANCE: 註:本作品原為歐洲私人收藏。其中三幅林風眠作品於2012年香港
Lot 1388, 27 November 2012, Fine Chinese Modern Paintings II, 展覽中購入此三幅畫作。1968年,收藏家與家屬帶著藝術藏品移民
Christie’s Hong Kong. 意大利。
The painting belonged to a European private collection. Three
paintings by Lin Fengmian from that collection were sold during
the 2012 Autumn sale at Christie’s Hong Kong. The collector lived
in Hong Kong in the 1960s and bought the three paintings from an
exhibition. Later the collector moved to Italy, bringing the paintings
along as well.
HK$600,000-800,000 US$78,000-100,000