Page 201 - Modern Chinese Paintings, Hk Nov. 27,2017
P. 201
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LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991) LIN FENGMIAN (1900-1991) WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010)
Lady Wild Geese Over Reedy Pond
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper Landscapes
on paper 40.6 x 50 cm. (16 x 19 ¬ in.)
66.5 x 67.5 cm. (26 ¿ x 26 ¬ in.) Signed, with one seal of the artist A set of four scrolls, mounted and framed,
Signed, with one seal of the artist ink and colour on paper
PROVENANCE: Each scroll measures 29.6 x 39 cm.
PROVENANCE: (11 ¬ x 15 ¡ in.)
Lot 950, 9 April 2007, Fine Chinese One scroll inscribed
Lot 954, 29 May 2006, Fine Modern and Paintings, Sotheby’s Hong Kong. Dated October, 1982
Contemporary Chinese Paintings (II), With a total of eight seals of the artist (4)
Christie’s Hong Kong. HK$280,000-350,000
US$37,000-45,000 HK$400,000-600,000
HK$1,800,000-2,800,000 US$52,000-77,000
US$230,000-360,000 林風眠 葦塘飛雁 水墨紙本 鏡框
款識:林風眠。 吳冠中 山水 設色紙本 鏡框四幅
林風眠 仕女 設色紙本 鏡框 一九八二年作
款識:林風眠。 一幅題識:一九八二·十。
來源:香 港蘇富比,中國書畫拍賣,2007年
鈐印:林風眠印 4月9日,編號950。 鈐印:八 十年代、荼(四次)、
來源:香 港佳士得,中國近現代畫 (II),