Page 120 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
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3244 Continued
The present vase with its superb modelling of appliqué in high relief 廠官釉榴開百子瓶為乾隆朝景德鎮御窯廠燒製的新品種,以粉
was a novel design during the Qianlong period which attested to the 彩貼塑裝飾襯托描金茶葉末地,色彩活潑鮮明,別出心裁,
refined workmanship of the potters of the period. It appears that only 為唐英督導下創造的傑作,並受乾隆皇帝的喜愛及青睞。據清
very few examples were made and the design was much favoured by 宮檔案記載,於乾隆七年曾先後兩次共六件廠官釉榴開百子瓶
the Emperor. According to the palace records, on the first day of the 進宮:「乾隆七年。乾清宮。五月初一日,太監程敬貴來說太
fifth month of Qianlong seventh year, ‘two yangcai changguan-glazed 監高玉交:……洋彩廠官釉榴開百子瓶二件,……傳旨:著配
pomegranate vases were presented’, followed by an Imperial decree: 匣盛裝入乾清宮磁胎琺瑯器皿內。欽此。」(見《清宮內務
‘Find fitted boxes for these and place them in the Qianqing Palace’ 府造辦處檔案總匯》,第11冊,北京,2005年,4頁);「乾
(see Qinggong neiwufu zaobanchu dangan zonghui, vol. 11, Beijing, 隆七年。十一月十九日,司庫白世秀副催總達子來說太監高玉
2005, p. 4). Another record indicates that several months later, in the 交:……洋彩廠官釉榴開百子瓶四件,傳旨:著俱各配座。
eleventh month of Qianlong seventh year, four yangcai changguan- 欽此。……於本月二十九日副催總達子將洋彩廠官釉榴開百子
glazed pomegranate vases were presented and bespoke wood stands 瓶二件配得木座持進,交太監高玉呈進訖。於本月三十日副催
were ordered to be made for them (see Qinggong neiwufu zaobanchu 總達子將……和廠官釉榴開百子瓶二件俱配得木座持進,交太
dangan zonghui, vol. 10, Beijing, 2005, p. 616, 617). ‘Changguan glaze’ 監高玉呈進訖。」(見《清宮內務府造辦處檔案總匯》,第10
was the official term used in palace records, referring to those glazes 冊,北京,2005年,616-617頁)
more commonly known as ‘teadust glaze’ or ‘eel-skin yellow glaze’
today. 由上述兩條記錄可見,廠官釉榴開百子瓶的初次進宮時間在乾
A pair of vases of identical design were sold at Sotheby’s Hong 物,而乾隆帝對此造型新穎且紋飾吉祥的品種大為欣賞,並下
Kong, 16 May 1977, lot 214. A closely-related vase, also with moulded 令為此六件瓶子配座,甚至命令「著配匣盛裝入乾清宮磁胎琺
decorations in high relief on a gilt-decorated ground but with peaches 瑯器皿內」,可知此類瓶子之尊貴,足以與琺瑯彩器看齊並同
instead of pomegranate, enamelled turquoise on the interior, is in the 被珍藏於乾清宮內。存世例子亦極為稀罕,香港蘇富比於1977
Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong. 年5月16日曾拍賣過一對同類例子,拍品214。
Qing Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong,
1989, p. 363, pl. 44 (fig. 1). Another teadust-glazed vase with similar 北京故宮博物院藏一件同類例子,但貼塑桃實代替石榴,見
pomegranate design, but without the gilt scrolls, is in the British 1989年香港出版《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,圖版44號
Museum, illustrated in Soame Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain, London, (圖一)。大英博物館藏一件茶葉末釉榴開百子瓶,造型及紋
1971, pl. XCIX, no. 1. 飾與本瓶相若,惟缺描金裝飾,見Soame Jenyns著1971年倫敦
出版《Later Chinese Porcelain》,圖版XCIX,圖一。