Page 27 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 27
fig. 2 Impression of the current ‘dragon’ seal on the above painting
fig. 3 ‘Battle at the River Honbasi’, Pacification of the Zhang Ge’er Rebellion, 1828.
Collection of the Lushun Museum
(圖三)《平定張格爾叛亂圖》卷 ( 共十卷 )
首卷《渾巴什河之戰》 旅順博物館藏品
fig. 1 Geese and Reeds, kesi, Kangxi period (1662-1722) fig. 4 Impressions of the current seals on the frontispiece of the above painting
Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing (圖四)「皇六子和碩恭親王」及「御賜為國藩輔」鑑藏印記
(圖一)清康熙 緙絲蘆雁圖軸 北京故宮博物院藏品
in the Kangxi period, and their collaboration on this pair of tianhuang 印 章 在內可以 紋 絲 不 動,同時由於 是 軟 臥 囊,即防 衝
seals is an extraordinarily rare example. 撞,也不會磨損印石。外面再襯以紅木提梁立插蓋的定
制木盒,這 是清宮內府 最 考究的做 法。無 論 是印 石雕
The packaging for these seals was made in the Imperial Household 工、裝潢用料,可以說這是清內府製作的標準器。
Department at the Qing court, and is still remarkably well-preserved.
Each seal is secured by a fitted yellow damask-lined support at the 說 到乾隆 鼎盛 時 期的田黃印,當一提曾被 溥儀 藏 於夾
base, which in turn is placed on a hongmu stand, all protected by a 襖衣襟中的「乾隆田黃三連印」,此印我曾多次手扶觀
fitted cover lined on the exterior with an imperial-yellow damask 察、研究。其一,它不是田黃石;其二,它也不是由一塊
with patterns of the ‘Flowers of the Four Seasons’, and on the interior 整料琢成。簡言之,石材堅硬,印面四邊鋒刃,相連石鏈
with a soft padding, which would help absorb shock and thus provide 碰擊聲音清脆;而其中一印的環形鈕是巧妙粘上去的,
the stones with adequate protection from impact.These are all further
secured by a fitted hongmu box with a sliding cover and an arched
handle that has been meticulously crafted. Both the carving of the
seals and their careful packaging exemplify the craftsmanship of the
Imperial Household.