Page 29 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 29
now in the Palace Museum Collection, bears the seal mark of the 之物,上鈐有恭親王的這兩方印章。恭親王在朝47年,
current ‘dragon’ seal (fig. 2). Furthermore, the seal marks of both 侍三帝,宦海沉浮。其藏書藏畫甚鉅,於這些善本書畫
the ‘dragon’ and ‘phoenix’ seals appear on the frontispiece of the 之上,多見「恭邸藏書」、「錫晉齋印」、「寶約樓秘藏」
first scroll of a series of ten etchings titled Pacification of the Zhang 等印鈐用,而這一對特別重要的印章,尤其是「御賜為
Ge’er Rebellion, (figs. 3 and 4) housed in the Lushun Museum. This 國藩輔」則少見鈐用,乃是因為此為封親王初御賜,尤
monumental work was completed in 1828 in commemoration of the 為莊重,故不能作一般收藏印使用也。
Daoguang Emperor’s conquest of the North-Western region, and was
probably given to Prince Kung in the first year of the Xianfeng reign. 此關乎清朝重要史實的一對印章,竟於今日顯現於藝
Over the course of 47 years, Prince Kung served under the reigns of 術市場。而我於紫禁紅牆之內,研究璽印三十餘年,今
three Emperors, and experienced a rather turbulent political career. 日見之猶詫為瑰寶。目前,國內「清史編纂委員會」已運
He had a vast collection of rare books and paintings, but these were 作有年,像這樣重要的文物遺存,作為史料,應該保存
often stamped with his collection seals Gongdi cangshu (Collection of 於 國家 重 要博 物 館。而 藝 術市 場之作用或 是「藏 寶 於
books belonging to the Prince Kung Residence), Xijinzhai yin (Seal 民」,誰得囊獲,人知之乎?
of Xijin Studio), and Baoyuelou micang (Hidden treasure of the Baoyue
chamber). This pair of important seals are rarely used, especially the
one carved with ‘Imperially bestowed, Guardian Vassal of the State’.
Perhaps it is because these seals were bestowed to him when he first
attained his title, and their exultant status surpassed that of his other
collection seals, and so they were not used lightly.
This pair of historically important seals from the Qing Dynasty has
recently surfaced on the art market. Having worked on seals for 30
years within the walls of the Forbidden City, I was still astounded by
the quality of these two treasures.These important seals deserve to be
in museum collections, but it is hard to know who might be lucky
enough to acquire them.