Page 44 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 44

A Magnificent Brush Pot                                                清雍正
for an Imperial Scholar                                                仿木紋釉墨彩高士策杖圖筆筒

Rosemary Scott                                                         蘇玫瑰
International Academic Director Asian Art                              亞洲藝術部資深學術顧問

This exceptionally well-painted brush pot was created at the           這件筆筒做工一流,洵為雍正年間 (1723-35 年 ) 的御窯
imperial kilns during the reign of the Yongzheng emperor (1723-        精品。雍正帝的御用工藝品素以品味高雅、做工精湛見
35). The arts made for the Yongzheng emperor are noted for             稱。作為藝術贊助者,他的要求甚為嚴苛,無論身為親
their refined taste and their exquisite craftsmanship. He was an       王之時,或是在位的短短十多年裡,他諭令製作之器物,
extremely demanding patron, and the items made for him during          無不體現了他超卓的審美水平,故深得藏家青睞。是次
his years as an imperial prince, as well as those made during his      拍賣的筆筒,正是技術突飛猛進、藝術靈感遄飛和皇家
relatively short imperial reign, reflect his very high standards,      大力贊助的成果。
and have always been highly regarded by connoisseurs. The
current brush pot is the result of technological advances, artistic
inspiration, and keen imperial patronage.

Prince Yinzhen, who was to rule as the Yongzheng emperor was           在即位為清世宗雍正之前,胤禛為皇四子,康熙帝臨終
only the Kangxi emperor’s fourth son and was not named as his          前始立之為儲君。換言之,胤禛並非以太子身份在宮中
successor until the very end of Kangxi’s life. Thus he was not         長大成人。但他和其他皇子一樣五歲入學,每天清晨五
brought up as heir apparent. Nevertheless he began his education       點上學,下午五點下課,經年如是。天剛破曉,他已開
at the age of 5 and attended classes from 5 am to 5 pm almost          始攻讀滿、漢和蒙古文,此外還要學習經史騎射。胤禛
every day of the year. From daybreak he would study Manchu,            勤學苦練,各門課業尤以書法見長,故常獲嘉許。除了
Chinese, Mongolian, the classics, riding and archery. He worked        對工藝製作要求從嚴,這名未來的儲君在磨礪自身技藝
hard and was generally praised for his accomplishments –               時,亦絲毫未有懈怠。登基前,他每天常花上好幾個小
particularly his calligraphy. The future emperor, who was such a       時臨摹名家法帖,其天份有口皆碑,連以嚴苛著稱的康
demanding patron of the arts, did not spare himself when it came       熙帝亦作如是觀。實際上,雍正和康熙的書風極為相似,
to honing his own skills. Before he came to the throne he used         二者字體皆修長內歛,筆勢遒勁,觀之若行雲流水。乾
to spend hours copying the calligraphy of model books, and was         隆年間,《四宜堂法帖》、《朗吟閣法帖》等名帖皆有
regarded as a talented calligrapher, even by his - often critical -    收錄雍正的作品,以昭範式,而清朝歷代皇帝之中,雍
father, the Kangxi emperor. Indeed the Yongzheng’s calligraphy         正書法堪稱第一。故此,他素來偏愛與書法有關的文房
strongly resembles that of his father, with slender, contained,        用具 ( 如筆筒和硯 )。即位之後,雍正曾命人繪製一幅肖
characters rendered in strong, fluent brushstrokes. Under the          像,他在畫中閒坐讀書,其右側有一仿古琮式筆筒,圖
Qianlong emperor’s reign, Yongzheng’s calligraphy was printed          見 E.S. Rawski 及 J. Rawson 合編的《盛世華章》展覽圖錄
in model books such as 四宜堂法帖 Model books of the Siyi Hall,             頁 246 編號 165。另一幅肖像為《胤禛行樂圖 ‧ 書齋寫
and 朗 吟 閣 法 帖 Model books of the Langyin Pavilion to serve             經》,這次他端坐握筆,桌上鋪紙,右側置一插放毛筆
as inspiration for aspiring calligraphers, indeed he is generally      和字畫的竹筆筒,圖見台北國立故宮出版的《雍正:清
regarded as the best calligrapher among the Qing rulers. Scholars      世宗文物大展》頁 116-117 編號 I-57。
items related to calligraphy, such as brush pots and ink palettes,
were therefore particularly close to his heart. In one portrait,
commissioned after he ascended to the throne, the emperor is
seated reading, and on his right is an archaic jade cong, which he is
using as a brush pot (illustrated China – The Three Emperors (1662-
1795) (E. S. Rawski and J. Rawson eds.), p. 246, no. 165). Another
painting of the emperor entitled Copying a Sutra in a Studio, one
a series of ‘Yinzhen’s Amusements’, shows the emperor seated,
brush in hand, at a table with paper spread out in front of him
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