Page 48 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 48
with famille rose design of figures in landscape as the main exterior 《維多利亞和阿爾伯特國立博物館藏:中國清代瓷器》
band, is in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, 頁 159 編號 99 ( 廣西美術出版社,1995)。另有一件仿木
London (illustrated by Ke Meigui, Weiduoliya he A’erbote guoli 紋粉彩山水圖筆筒出自張宗憲先生舊藏,於 2000 年 10
bowuyuan cang - Zhongguo Qing dai ciqi, Guangxi, 1995, p. 159, no. 月 31 日經香港佳士得拍出 ( 拍品編號 831)。此外,舊金
99). Another brush pot with faux bois and a landscape in famille 山亞洲藝術博物館珍藏一例雍正楷書款連座方筆筒,其
rose enamels, formerly in the collection of Mr. Robert Chang, 座子亦飾仿木紋,圖見賀利所撰《Chinese Ceramics》頁
was sold by Christie’s Hong Kong, 31 October 2000, lot 831. A 305 編 號 659 ( 倫 敦,Thames and Hudson:1996), 該 館
square brush holder with its integral stand decorated in faux bois, 的斷代是雍正器物。
and bearing a Yongzheng mark, in the collection of the Asian Art
Museum, San Francisco is illustrated by He Li in Chinese Ceramics, 至於用丹青妙筆繪製瓷器紋飾,且水準幾可媲美紙本或
Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, p. 305, no. 659, where it is 絹本繪畫,應始於雍正年間。康熙年間的琺瑯黑彩仍差
dated to the Yongzheng reign. 強人意,因呈色黯淡且極不穩定,必須罩施一層透明的
The ability to create on porcelain fluently painted decoration 時期,琺瑯彩作坊終研製出理想並具玻璃光澤的黑彩,
resembling that seen in ink on paper or silk was something new 以及合適的褐彩,如此一來,畫師即可仿製出惟妙惟肖
in the Yongzheng reign. A good black enamel still evaded the 的水墨畫,本拍品就此作了最佳的詮釋。可以確定的是,
enamel makers in the Kangxi reign, when black enamels were 畫瓷師在 1732 年或之前,已在使用新的琺瑯黑彩,因為
matt and fugitive, and had to be covered with a transparent 謝旻當年出版的《江西通誌》曾提到墨彩瓷器。在年窯
pale green or aubergine enamel to provide a glossy surface and 和唐窯御瓷清單中位居四十的正是「墨彩」瓷器。
reasonable stability. In the Yongzheng reign, however the enamel
makers working for the court managed to develop both a good 雍正十年 (1732 年 ) 四月二十九日,皇上諭令「內大臣海
glossy black enamel and a good sepia enamel, which allowed 望傳旨:畫水墨琺瑯甚好,將畫畫人戴恒、湯振基伊二
the decorators to imitate ink painting very successfully, as on 人畫琺瑯活計,其所進之畫持出,再唐岱所進之畫亦持
the current brush pot. It is certain that the new black enamel 出。其餘活計俱好,着留下。欽此。[……] 畫畫人戴、
was available to the ceramic decorators by 1732, since the Jiangxi 湯二人改畫琺瑯。」( 英譯參見《清宮中琺瑯彩瓷特展》
tongzhi ( 江 西 通 志 , Provincial Gazetteer of Jiangxi province), 圖錄頁 12 蔡和璧序言。台北:國立故宮博物院,1992)
compiled by 謝旻 Xie Min and published in that year, mentions 但 雍 正 皇 帝 的 興 趣 所 在, 並 非 僅 限 於 墨 彩 山 水。 當 年
that porcelains were decorated in black ink. In lists of the 十一月二十七日朝廷再有諭旨,這次與青花山水有關:
ceramics made for the court under the directorships of Nian 「奉旨:今日所進墨菊花碟,嗣後少畫些。青山水茶圓、
Xiyao and Tang Ying, these ‘ink painted’ porcelains are listed as 酒圓俱好,再畫些。」( 出處同上,頁 16-17) 雍正若滿意
no. 40. 製成品,往往不吝賞賜,就此可證諸同年十月二十八日
On the 29th day of the fourth month of 1732 the Yongzheng 日亦提到:「鄒文玉所畫琺瑯,數次皇上誇好,応遵旨
emperor issued an edict saying: ‘For Grand Minister Hai Wang to 用本造辦處庫銀賞給十兩。」( 出處同上,頁 16) 雍正的
transmit the following edict:The enamel paintings in sepia are all 賞賜固然可觀,但若工藝水平未如理想或不得其歡心,
exceedingly fine. Employ the two painters Tai Heng and T’ang 清檔中也提到匠師被罰俸銀甚或革職的事例。
Chen-chi as enamel painters and remove the paintings brought as
samples of their works. Also remove the sample paintings by T’ang 山水圖雖常見於形制不一的雍正器物,但用之裝點文人
Tai. The work of the others is all fine, and they may remain. By 的 筆 筒 可 謂 最 為 恰 當, 因 為 水 墨 畫 在 中 國 文 人 的 審 美
Imperial Command. Have the painters Tai and T’ang transferred
to enamel painting.’ (translated in Ts’ai Ho-pi’s introduction to
the Special Exhibition of Ch’ing Dynasty Enamelled Porcelains of the
Imperial Ateliers, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1992, p. 12). It
was not only sepia landscapes which appealed to the Yongzheng
emperor. Later in the same year the palace issued further
instructions, this time in regard to blue enamel landcapes: ‘The
27th day of the eleventh month, 1732: By Imperial Command, in
future paint fewer of the dishes with ink chrysanthemums. The
teacups and wine cups with landscape decoration in blue are all
quite fine, paint more of these.’ (ibid., pp. 16-17) The Yongzheng
Emperor was quite generous when workmanship pleased him, as
on the 28th day of the tenth month of 1732: