Page 62 - Imperial Sale Chinese Works of Art June 1 2016 HK
P. 62
Fujita Denzaburō
3217 Continued
Baron Denzaburō Fujita (1841-1912) made his fortune in construction, 藤田傳三郎男爵(1841-1912)為日本明治時期(1868-1912)
mining, and railroads, all of which contributed greatly to the 重要的實業家,其所從事的土木、鐵道建設以及採礦業都為
modernization of the Japanese nation. He utilised his financial 日本社會的現代化做出了傑出貢獻。藤田男爵在商業上取得
resources to assemble a private collection of masterworks, including 成功以後,將部分資金投入到了藝術精品的收藏中,以期保
choice examples of Chinese art. As a connoisseur of the Tea 留日本和亞洲的文化遺存。作為一名茶道家,藤田男爵在茶
Ceremony, Denzaburō Fujita had a particular taste for tea utensils, and 道具的收藏上獨具慧眼,而其兒子藤田平太郎(1869-1940)亦
collected a number of masterpieces in the category, a passion that was 深得他真傳,同樣熱愛中國藝術。藤田家族最有名的藏品之
shared by his son Heitaro Fujita (1869-1940), who particularly favoured 一,南宋建窯曜變天目盌,正是藤田平太郎所蒐羅。此天目
Chinese works of art. The ‘Yohen Tenmoku’ Jian tea bowl in the Fujita 盌更被認定為日本國寶。
Collection was acquired by Heitaro Fujita, and is one of the registered
National Treasures in the Collection. 此瓶形制承襲商周青銅觚,但光素無紋,更能突顯器形之優
An auction of items from the Family Collection was organised by the 但罩茶葉末釉的例子相對少見。國立故宮博物院藏一件較小
most prominent art dealers in Osaka in 1929. The auction was held at 的乾隆茶葉末釉觚(19.2公分),著錄於1981年台北出版《清
the Fujita family home. 代單色釉瓷器》,彩色圖版30號。瑞士鮑氏珍藏另一件較小
The shape of this elegantly potted vase follows that of the archaic 有出戟,見1972年日內瓦出版《The Baur Collection – Chinese
bronze gu from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. This adaption, however, Ceramics》第三冊,圖版A395號。另可參照兩件器形及尺寸
is rendered with an undecorated surface omitting any complex motifs 均與本瓶相若的乾隆款花觚,但施仿汝釉,一件為瑞士鮑氏
normally found on archaic bronzes, which accentuates the graceful 珍藏,載於前揭書,圖版A340號;另一件為暫得樓舊藏,
contours of the vase. Vases of this form were made in various glaze 見2005年香港出版《暫得樓清代官窯單色釉瓷器》,圖版27
colours during the Yongzheng and Qianlong reigns, but those applied 號。
with teadust glaze are rare. A smaller Qianlong teadust-glazed gu (19.2
cm. high) is in the National Palace Museum, illustrated in Monochrome
Porcelains of the Ch’ing Dynasty, Taipei, 1981, colour pl. 30. A Qianlong
teadust-glazed gu of smaller size (20.5 cm. high) and moulded with
flanges on the body, is in the Baur Collection, illustrated in The Baur
Collection- Chinese Ceramics, vol. 3, Geneva, 1972, pl. A395. Compare
also to two Qianlong-marked vases of similar size and form, but
covered with Ru-type glaze, one in the Baur Collection, illustrated in
ibid, pl. A340; and another one in the Zande Lou Collection, illustrated
in Qing Imperial Monochromes: The Zande Lou Collection, Hong Kong,
2005, pl. 27.