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2810 Continued
         The distinctive figuration on the four broad, single panels indicates that   此對圓角櫃的四扇獨板門皆取自同一木料,而木紋更是對稱相抵,側門
         they were cut from the same piece of timber. The panels are fitted with   板亦為獨板,足見選材之嚴謹,匠人獨具匠心之處。
         the grain set at opposing mirror image, thus giving a sense of drama
         and motion to the cabinets. The careful matching of the doors suggests   本拍品最特別之處在於其原底座。底座的功能為承托及保護家具免於直
         that the cabinet-maker intentionally designed the cabinets to feature   接接觸濕潤的泥地,極有可能用於濕度相對較高的南方地區。底座的保
         the natural markings of the wood and had remarkable sensitivity with
         materials.                                        存狀態非常困難,無論任何種類的存世原底座都異常稀少。此外,本拍
         Of special note on the present cabinets is the original wood stands. The   大方,沒有偷工減料,足以證明原主人雄厚的財力,高尚的品味,低調
         function of the wood stand is to raise and protect the furniture from
         having direct contact with the damp floor, which may have been used   的奢華。
         exclusively in the southern region of China with relatively high humidity.
         It is extremely rare to find cabinets retaining the original wood stand   此對圓角櫃充份展現明代家具的簡練沉穆,得以成對流傳,實為罕見。
         because this type of structure has been difficult to preserve as damage   其通體光素,櫃形上窄下寬,比例勻稱,線條流暢。底座上起線優雅的
         from moisture would be expected. In addition to the rarity, the planks   如意雲頭牙為典型的明代家具風格,同樣裝飾牙板亦見於北京故宮博物
         on the likely damaged stands are also constructed in single panel   院藏定年明代的黃花梨方桌(圖一),著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品
         huanghuali, showing off the extravagance of wealth to the most refined   大系-明清家具(上)》,香港,2002 年,頁 85,編號 69。圓角櫃結
         but subtle detail.
         The present pair of cabinets stands out as a truly exquisite example   國立歷史博物館,收錄於《風華再現:明清家具收藏展》,台北, 1999 年,
         of its type, all the rarer for being a pair. The gentle splay in its design   頁 160-161。
         lends a sense of stability and balance to the form while retaining a very
         graceful and pleasing profile. The simple but elegant form of these
         cabinets is the classic Ming style, characterised by the finely carved
         ruyi-form apron on the stands which is a typical design of the period.
         Such detail is also seen on the apron of a huanghuali square table
         dated to Ming dynasty (fig. 1) in the Beijing Palace Museum collection,
         illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
         Museum, Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (I), Hong Kong,
         2002, p. 85, no. 69. Although the form of the present example was
         widely used in cabinet making throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties,
         only one published example of slightly lower height has retained its
         original stands, which is exhibited and illustrated in Splendor of Style:
         Classical Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, National Museum
         of History, Taipei, 1999, p. 160-161.

                                                                   fig. 1  Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                          圖一  北京故宮博物院藏品

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