Page 8 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
P. 8

1968 Alan Hartman, Metropolitan Museum of Art Testimonial

           Gift of Alan & Simone Hartman, The Metropolitan Museum of Art,   1981 Simone Hartman, Metropolitan Museum of Art Testimonial
           accession number 1984.361
           Altar Bowl with Winged Animals Among Waves, Ming dynasty,
           Chenghua period, mid-15th century

           Privately however Alan and his second wife and love of his life, Simone,  艾倫醉心於與其一生摯愛,即第二任妻子西蒙(Simone),攜手搜
           purchased  special  pieces  for  their  homes  –  Impressionist  paintings,  異索古,為宅邸添益珍玩。哈特曼伉儷私人珍藏之品類涵蓋甚博,包
           magnificent  jades,  the  best  Tang  and  Ming  ceramics,  fine  Japanese  括印象派名作、瑰麗玉石、唐代及明代陶瓷精品、日本雅器、高古青
           works of art and objects de vertu, archaic Chinese bronzes, gold boxes,  銅、蒔繪漆盒及一批頗為重要的胡格諾(Huguenot)銀器等。這批銀
           and an important collection of Huguenot silver, the latter acquired for its  器外形簡約素雅,部分現陳列於波士頓美術博物館內的哈特曼伉儷展
           restrained aesthetic appeal. Part of that collection of silver can now be  廳(Alan and Simone Hartman Galleries)中。其中特別值得一提的
           seen in the Alan and Simone Hartman Galleries in the Museum of Fine  是陳設於漢密爾頓宮膳廳(Hamilton Palace Dining Room)中的英
           Arts, Boston. It is well worth a visit to see the Hartman English silver,  格蘭銀器,該廳的裝潢復原了這座蘇格蘭宮殿約1700年時的風格,這
           now displayed in one of the galleries bearing their name – the Hamilton  座宮殿於二十世紀二十年代被拆毀,1928年,其膳廳於波士頓美術博
           Palace Dining Room, a magnificent room, ironically Scottish, dating from  物館中被復原。
           circa 1700, which was saved when Hamilton Palace was demolished in
           the 1920s, and first installed at the museum in 1928.  此外,哈特曼伉儷捐贈給博物館的藏品還包括現藏於紐約大都會博
                                                             物館的成化時期瓷器、布魯克林博物館(Brooklyn Museum)的
           Other generous gifts to museums include Chenghua porcelain to the   中國早期青銅器以及耶路撒冷以色列博物館(the Israel Museum,
           Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, early Chinese bronzes to the   Jerusalem)中的唐代陶瓷。
           Brooklyn Museum, and Tang ceramics to the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

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