Page 9 - Blum Feinstein Tanka collection HIMALAYAN Art Bonhams March 20 2024
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Gift of Alan & Simone Hartman Israel Museum, Jerusalem,
                                                             Accession no. B98.0932
                                                             A Western Jin dynasty Yue ware animal vessel, bixie

           Gift of Alan & Simone Hartman, Brooklyn Museum,   Alan Hartman, 1998
           Accession no. 1991.127.3ab                        Courtesy of Arts of Asia
           Shang Dynasty Archaic Bronze Vessel, You

           Alan and Simone were two people constantly on the move, both  艾倫與西蒙不僅收藏興趣廣博,無羈無依,且其居所行跡亦奔波不
           mentally and physically. Despite running the business, and at one time  定。儘管有店面生意要打理,艾倫也兼任過美國藝術與古董商聯盟
           Alan being Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Art and Antique  (Antique Dealers League of America)委員會的執行主席,夫妻倆
           Dealers League of America, they were regularly travelling throughout  還是定期出遊歐亞等地,並將途中購藏的器物郵寄回紐約進行研究評
           Europe and Asia. Their many purchases were shipped to New York  估、清理修復及登記入庫等工作。古董商都曉得,這些瑣事本身已需高
           to be assessed, processed, cleaned and restored if necessary, and  效且全身心的投入。而對於哈特曼伉儷來說,這部分工作只能限時完
           labelled – as all dealers know a full time and exacting job in itself. In the  成,畢竟艾倫購藏品類之繁、數量之甚,遠非常人所及。
           Hartmans’ case, it could only be described as a constant task. Alan
           was unusual in the breadth of his purchasing and the volume of objects  哈特曼奇珍藝廊的龐大庫存滿足了不同客戶的需求,無論到訪者是對古
           would have been beyond the capabilities of most people.   董圈初淺涉獵者,抑或是各地同行、拍賣行或資深藏家,艾倫和西蒙都
           The massive Hartman Rare Art stock was made available to all those
           interested  in  the  antiques  business,  dealers  from  all  over  the  world,
           domestic and international auctioneers, and private clients. Alan and
           Simone treated all their clients democratically, and no matter what your
           status or position in the business you were invited to explore, purchase
           or take on consignment works of art from their gallery. Everyone was
           welcome and I believe Alan was addicted to activity and the deal – he
           would take pleasure in the smallest of transactions.
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