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Various Owners 各方藏家                                                           品

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A rare white and russet jade figure of a luohan                               A group of six figural jade carvings
12th/13th century                                                             17th to 19th century
The even-toned white stone streaked with attractive russet and carved as      Comprising a white jade figure of Liuhai standing with left foot resting on
a shaven-headed luohan wearing a loose robe and seated with the left          a three-legged toad and a boy climbing on his back with a string of cash;
hand resting gently upon the raised left knee, box.                           a white jade figure of a boy holding up a peach spray; a white jade figure
4.5cm (1 3/4in) high (2).                                                     of a boy carrying a lotus spray; a white jade figure of a boy with a lingzhi
£10,000 - 15,000                                                              fungus, a pale green jade robed boy also with lingzhi fungus; and a pale
HK$120,000 - 180,000 CNY94,000 - 140,000                                      green jade boy with a stem of heavy lotus blossom, wood stands.
                                                                              The tallest 6.7cm (2 5/8in) high (12).
十二/十三世紀 白玉帶皮雕羅漢坐像                                                             £4,000 - 6,000
                                                                              HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000
Compare the similarly smooth features carved from very white stone with
characteristic fine russet streaks in a carving of a boy with a jar dated to  十七至十九世紀 白玉及青玉雕擺件六件
the Jin Dynasty and illustrated in the Compendium of Collections in the
Palace Museum: Jade 5: Tang, Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Beijing,     Provenance: an English private collection: according to the family,
2011, no.249.                                                                 acquired in the 1960s and thence by descent

                                                                              來源:英國私人收藏: 根據其家族,此拍品購於1960年代,並由家族繼

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