Page 170 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
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               A pale green jade ‘mythical beast’ hanging          A pale green jade flattened baluster vase
133            vase                                                and cover
166 | Bonhams  18th century                                        Ming Dynasty
               The elaborately carved flattened vase with          The pale green stone with minor grey flecking
               gently bulging sides, each finely incised with      and incised around the central band with a
               a taotie mask beneath a medallion with the          continuous leafy meander issuing two fully
               Eight Buddhist Trigrams on a leiwen ground,         blossoming lotus and two half-opening
               one handle formed as the head of a horned           blooms, above stiff lappets at the foot and
               mythical beast with two curling fins and incised    beneath a further half-lotus on each side of
               with archaistic C-scrolls, the other handle as the  the neck, flanked by two mythical-beast loose-
               squared scrolling tail of the beast suspending a    ring handles, the cover similarly carved with
               loose ring, all suspended from two loose rings      half lotus and the finial shaped as a standing
               attached to a flattened looping handle, wood        Buddhist lion.
               stand.                                              21.7cm (8 5/8in) high (2).
               14cm (5½in) high (2).                               £2,000 - 3,000
               £4,000 - 6,000                                      HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000
               HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000
                                                                   明 青玉雕纏枝蓮紋雙獸耳活環蓋瓶
               十八世紀 青玉雕饕餮紋瑞獸耳活環提梁瓶
                                                                   Provenance: an English private collection
               Provenance: an English private collection
                                                                   Compare a related white jade vase and cover,
                                                                   Ming Dynasty, illustrated in Zheng Xinmiao,
                                                                   ed., Compendium of Collections in the Palace
                                                                   Museum: Jade 7 - Ming Dynasty, Beijing, 2010,
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