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134                                                  In 1644 Dodo entered China proper after the       In 1652 the Shunzhi Emperor posthumously
A rare pale green jade ruyi sceptre                  Ming general Wu Sangui opened Shanhai Pass        demoted Dodo to the status of a ‘Prince of the
17th century                                         for the Qing armies. They defeated forces under   Second Rank’ for his affiliation with Dorgon, his
Crisply carved with a bat perching on the ruyi       Li Zicheng at Shanhai Pass and occupied Beijing,  brother, whom the emperor perceived to have
head enclosing two cranes in flight and each         after which Dodo was reinstated as a ‘Prince of   had the intention of usurping the throne. In 1671
gripping a spray of lingzhi fungus in its beak, the  the First Rank’ (和碩親王) and appointed ‘Great       during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor, Dodo
handle with a delicately starred deer poised on      General Who Pacifies the Nation’ (定國大將            was granted a posthumous name ‘Tong’ (通), so
rockwork under a tall leafy pine tree, the sides     軍). Together with Kong Youde (孔有德) and            his title became ‘Prince Yutong of the Second
with key-fret and the underside incised with a bat   Geng Zhongming (耿仲明), Dodo led an army            Rank’ (多羅豫通郡王). In the first lunar month
in flight over rockwork, stand with label.           of 200,000, comprising both Manchu and Han        of 1778, the Qianlong Emperor posthumously
36.2cm (14 1/8in) long (2).                          Chinese soldiers, to attack the remnants of Li    restored Dodo to the status of a ‘Prince of the
£3,000 - 5,000                                       Zicheng’s army, defeating and driving the enemy   First Rank’ and created a place for Dodo in the
HK$35,000 - 59,000 CNY28,000 - 47,000                from Henan to Shaanxi. In 1645 Dodo conquered     Qing ancestral temple. Seven months later, a
                                                     Tong Pass and Xi’an, and then attacked the        shrine was built for Dodo in the Mukden Palace
十七世紀 青玉雕鹿鶴同春紋如意                                      Southern Ming Dynasty (remnants of the fallen
                                                     Ming Dynasty), capturing Yangzhou, crossing       Compare a related pale green jade ruyi sceptre
Provenance: according to an old label on the         the Yangtze River and occupying Nanjing and       also carved with a spotted deer on the shaft and
stand, this ruyi sceptre was once the property of    capturing its ruler, the Hongguang Emperor.       illustrated in the Compendium of Collections
‘Prince Yu of Pekin’                                 Following his return to Beijing, he received the  in the Palace Museum: Jade 8: Qing Dynasty,
An English private collection                        title of ‘Prince Deyu of the First Rank’ (和碩德     Beijing, 2011, no.69.
                                                     豫親王). In 1646 Dodo was appointed ‘Great
來源:根據底座上的陳舊標籤,此如意曾是豫                                 General Who Spreads Might’ (揚威大將軍)
親王(‘Prince Yu of Pekin’)的藏品                          and emerged victorious from suppressing a
英國私人收藏                                               rebellion by the Sonid Mongols. A year later he
                                                     was conferred the title of ‘Uncle Who Assists in
The old label noting that the present lot was        Governance and Prince Deyu of the First Rank’
the property of Prince Yu of Pekin, may refer to     (輔政叔 和碩德豫親王).
Dodo (1614-1649), Prince Yu of the First Rank,       Dodo died of illness in 1649 at the age of 36.
a Manchu prince and military general during the
early Qing Dynasty.

                                                     Label on stand

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