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140                                                                    The Property of an English Family 英國家族藏品

The Property of a Lady 女士藏品                                            141
                                                                       A fine Mughal-style pale green jade shell-shaped cup
140                                                                    18th century
A green and grey jade libation cup                                     Elegantly formed as a deep scalloped-shaped lobed dish extending to a
18th/19th century                                                      single curling foliate handle and raised on a low six-petalled floral foot,
The jade cleverly carved to form a cup of grey stone issuing from a    wood stand.
curling stem joined to the handle formed as an exotic trumpet-shaped   17cm (6½in) wide (2).
flower opening beside a boldly-rounded curving ruyi head, wood stand.  £8,000 - 12,000
19.6cm (7¾in) long (2).                                                HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000
£8,000 - 12,000                                                        十八世紀 痕都斯坦青玉雕殼式杯
HK$94,000 - 140,000 CNY75,000 - 110,000                                Provenance: an English private collection
十八/十九世紀 青灰玉雕花式杯                                                        Mughal style jade vessels were greatly admired by the Qing Court
                                                                       and the Qianlong Emperor in particular. See for example a similar
Provenance: Sir Basil Scott (former Chief Justice of Bombay) and Lady  lobed jade cup with an Imperial inscription in the Woolf Collection,
Scott (née Villiers-Stuart of Dromana, Co. Waterford), and thence by   London, illustrated by S.Howard Hansford in Chinese Carved Jades,
family descent                                                         London, 1968, pl.92. The popularity of this particular form is further
來源:Basil Scott爵士(前孟買終審法院首席法官)及爵士夫人舊藏,並由                                demonstrated in extant examples in the Imperial collections in the Palace
家族繼承下去                                                                 Museum, Beijing and the National Palace Museum, Taipei; see The
                                                                       Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Jadeware (III),
                                                                       Hong Kong, 1995, no.233 and Teng Shu-p’ing, Exquisite Beauty - Islamic
                                                                       Jades, Taipei, 2007, pl.93. Another white jade lobed cup of similar form
                                                                       is in the collection of the British Museum, no.1952,0721.1.
                                                                       A similar pale green jade scalloped Mughal style cup sold at Christie’s
                                                                       Hong Kong on 30 November 2011, lot 3266.

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