Page 20 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 20

Various Owners 各方藏家

11                                                                       12
A yellow-glazed incised ‘dragon’ bowl                                    A fine green-glazed carved bottle vase
Guangxu six-character mark and of the period                             Qianlong minyao mark and of the period
The exterior incised with two striding five-clawed dragons each chasing  The vase finely carved around the body with three pairs of confronted
a flaming pearl amid fire scrolls and above a band of foaming water and  chilong heads issuing from square scrolls above scrolling and foliate
key-fret on the ribbed foot, the exterior covered in a rich even-toned   lappets at the flaring foot and beneath two rows of overlapping lotus
yellow glaze, the interior and underside white.                          petals at the shoulder, the slender neck carved around the centre with
15.2cm (6in) diam.                                                       a double row of lappets flanked by two cylindrical applied handles
£2,000 - 3,000                                                           beneath key-fret at the rim, the exterior and underside all covered with a
HK$24,000 - 35,000 CNY19,000 - 28,000                                    delicate greenish glaze pooling in the recesses.
清光緒 黃釉刻雙龍戲珠紋碗 青花「大清光緒年製」楷書款                                              37.5cm (14¾in) high
Provenance: a German noble private collection                            £12,000 - 15,000
來源:德國貴族私人收藏                                                              HK$140,000 - 180,000 CNY110,000 - 140,000

                                                                         清乾隆 青釉刻螭龍紋瓶 青花「大清乾隆年製」篆書民窯款

                                                                         Provenance: probably supplied by Robert Fogg, London, and mounted by
                                                                         Vulliamy & Son circa 1805 for The Hon. Edward ‘Beau’ Lascelles (1764-
                                                                         1814), for Harewood House, Hanover Square, London, and subsequently
                                                                         in The Gallery, Harewood House, Yorkshire, and thence by descent.
                                                                         Illustrated: ‘Harewood House, Yorkshire, The Seat of the Earl of
                                                                         Harewood’, Country Life, 4 July 1914, illustrated ‘A Gallery Window’,
                                                                         p.22 (the then-mounted vase is seen on the side-table, lower shelf,
                                                                         second from left).
                                                                         來源:或購於倫敦Robert Fogg,約1805年由Vulliamy & Son為位於倫敦
                                                                         Hanover Square, Harewood House的The Hon. Edward ‘Beau’ Lascelles
                                                                         (1764-1814)嵌銅鎏金座,後來傳到英國約克郡Harewood House的The
                                                                         著錄:’Harewood House, Yorkshire, The Seat of the Earl of Harewood’
                                                                         著,《Country Life》,1914年7月4日,圖片名稱’A Gallery Window’,
                                                                         頁22 (此拍品見於圖片茶几上,下層,左起第二件)

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