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A lacquered and gilt bronze figure of a          A gilt-lacquered bronze standing Buddhist          A rare gilt-bronze turquoise-inlaid figure
dignitary                                        figure                                             of Manjusri
Late Ming Dynasty                                Ming Dynasty                                       16th/17th century
The figure cast seated on a throne wearing a     Unusually cast leaning slightly forward, the       Finely cast seated on a double-lotus pedestal in
square scholar’s cap with long flowing ribbons,  hands palms together held in front of the chest    the lotus position, the gaze downcast beneath
his beard and moustache also flowing over        in a gesture of prayer, the hair tied in a single  a five-pointed diadem inlaid with turquoise,
the chest embellished with a ruyi-shaped clasp   topknot above the forehead and a single long       the arms held out in front of the chest with the
holding the robe, the hands swathed in the       ribbon flowing outwards from the back of           hands in dharmachakramudra and each hand
long robe and held in front of the chest, the    the head to fall over the shoulders and loop       holding the slender stem of a lotus flower, the
figure all covered in red lacquer and gilded.    around the elbows, the front of the figure gilt    left flower supporting a book and the right
43cm (17in) high                                 and the legs and high pedestal lacquered red.      flower supporting a sword.
£1,500 - 2,000                                   35cm (13¾in) high                                  22cm (8¾in) high
HK$18,000 - 24,000 CNY14,000 - 19,000            £5,000 - 8,000                                     £20,000 - 30,000
                                                 HK$59,000 - 94,000 CNY47,000 - 75,000              HK$240,000 - 350,000
明晚期 銅鎏金漆繪文官坐像                                                                                       CNY190,000 - 280,000
                                                 明 漆金佛教人物立像
Provenance: an English private collection                                                           十六/十七世紀 銅鎏金嵌綠松石文殊菩薩坐像
                                                 Provenance: an English private collection
來源:英國私人收藏                                                                                           Provenance: an English private collection

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