Page 448 - Bonhams Chinese Art London May 2013
P. 448

412            413

414            Property from a Private Collection of Archaic Bronzes
444 | Bonhams  私人收藏古銅器系列
               Lots 411-420

               An archaic bronze tripod food vessel, li
               Western Zhou Dynasty
               Cast with a bulbous body terminating in three pointed feet, a decora-
               tive band with three registers of overlapping scrolls punctuated by three
               columns of low flanges, all beneath the waisted neck, the flat rim with
               two rows of semi-circles.
               14.5cm (5¾in) wide
               £4,000 - 6,000
               HK$47,000 - 71,000 CNY38,000 - 56,000

               西周 青銅鬲

               An archaic bronze wine vessel, jue
               Early Western Zhou Dynasty
               The cylindrical body raised on four slender curving feet and encircled
               by a narrow decorative band with a simple taotie mask and low flanges
               on each side, one side with a loop handle cast with a pictogram, the lip
               typically flaring at one end and with a long spout between two upright
               finials at the other end.
               19cm (7½in) high
               £5,000 - 8,000
               HK$59,000 - 94,000 CNY47,000 - 75,000

               西周早期 青銅饕餮紋爵杯

               Compare three similar jue, dated to the Shang or Western Zhou
               Dynasties, sold in these rooms, 8 November 2012, lots 226, 277 and 228.
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