Page 76 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art Junkunc Collection
P. 76

Although a small group of these ornaments are known to exist, the present pair, modeled with an
                      elaborate feline head, are rare. Only three other closely related examples appear to be recorded. One
                      from the collection of S.M. il Re di Svezia, was included in the exhibition Mostra d’arte cinese [Exhibition
                      of Chinese art], Venice, 1954, cat. no. 92; the other from the collection of the Crown Prince of Sweden,
                      Gustaf Adolf, exhibited in the International Exhibition of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London,
                      1935, cat. no. 383, and illustrated in Nils Palmgren, ed., Selected Chinese Antiquities from the Collection
                      of Gustaf Adolf, Crown Prince of Sweden, Stockholm, 1948, pl. 22, fig. 1, where the author states it came
                      from Luoyang, Henan province; and the third, in the Stoclet Collection, is published in H.F.E. Visser,
                      Asiatic Art in Private Collections of Holland and Belgium, New York, 1952, pl. 42, no. 57.

                      See also a pair of related ornaments, modeled in the form of a tiger head, in the Nelson-Atkins Museum
                      of Art, Kansas City, published in Roger Ward and Patricia J. Fidler, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. A
                      Handbook of the Collection, New York, 1993, p. 280. Compare another type of related yoke ornaments,
                      modeled in the form of a crocodile-like creature mask, such as a pair illustrated in Sueji Umehara, Shina-
                      Kodo Seikwa [Selected Relics of Ancient Chinese Bronzes from Collections in Europe and America],
                      pt. III: Miscellaneous Objects, vol. I, Osaka, 1933, pl. 49, which reportedly come from Jincun, Luoyang;
                      another pair in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, is published in Jenny So, Eastern Zhou Ritual
                      Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, Washington, D.C., 1995, fig. 104; and a third pair from the
                      collection of Grenville L. Winthrop, is now in the Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts, acc.
                      no. 1943.52.37.B.

                      Another type of extant yoke ornaments are modeled with a flat top instead of an animal mask, such as
                      a gold-inlaid bronze example published in Pierre Uldry, Chinesische Gold und Silber, Zurich, 1994, cat.
                      no. 63; a pair of gold and silver-inlaid bronze examples exhibited in Ancient Chinese and Ordos Bronzes,
                      Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 95; and another pair, offered as part of lot 251 in
                      this sale; as well as two pairs of plain examples unearthed from the tomb of King Cuo of the Zhongshan
                      state in 1978, exhibited in Treasures from the tombs of Zhong Shan Guo kings: An Exhibition from the
                      People’s Republic of China, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 1981, cat. nos. 33 and 34.

                      antiquities  from  the  collection  of  Gustaf  Adolf,   多安大略皇家博物館;載於Jenny  So,《Eastern
                      Crown  Prince  of  Sweden》,斯德哥爾摩,1948   Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler
                      年,圖版22,圖1,作者稱此例來自河南洛陽,例三                Collections》,華盛頓,1995年,圖104;第三對
                      出自  Stoclet  收藏,載於H.F.E.  Visser,《Asiatic   例出自Grenville  L.  Winthrop收藏,現存於哈佛美
                      Art  in  Private  Collections  of  Holland  and   術博物館,劍橋,麻省,藏品編號1943.52.37.B。
                      比較一對相近虎首紋軛角飾,現存於納爾遜-阿特                  例,載於Pierre  Uldry,《Chinesische  Gold  und
                      金斯藝術博物館,載於Roger  Ward及Patricia  J.      Silber》,蘇黎世,1994年,編號63;其二為銅錯
                      Fidler,《The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. A   金銀例,曾展於《青銅聚英:中國古代與鄂爾多斯
                      Handbook  of  the  Collection》,紐約,1993年,  青銅器》,香港藝術館,香港,1990年,編號95;
                      頁280。比較另一類軛角飾例,作似鱷魚類獸首,                 本場拍賣亦見一對例,編號251,再比兩對例,素面
                      一對圖載於梅原末治,《歐米蒐儲支那古銅精華•                  無紋,1978年中山王墓出土,曾展於《中山王國文
                      雜器部》,冊一,大阪,1933年,圖版49,作者                物展》,東京國立博物館,1981年,編號33及34。

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