Page 80 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art Junkunc Collection
P. 80
戰國至漢 銅鎏金獸紋帶鉤
well modeled in a slightly arched rectangular form with a concave underside, crisply cast to the top in high relief with two
addorsed creatures with powerful claws emerging from their entwined scaly bodies, terminating in doe-like heads, each
detailed with long snout, almond-shaped eyes and pointed ears, the hook rendered in the form of a similar animal head, the
underside with a circular button
Length 8¼ in., 20.9 cm
$ 15,000-25,000
Collection of Stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978). 史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏
The highly intricate design on the present belt hook incorporates both the rich imagination and the precise execution
of the metalwork artisans during the late Eastern Zhou to Han dynasty. A small group of gilt-bronze belt hooks of this
type, notable for their large size and complex decoration, are known in museums and private collections, including
one cast with a very similar design, in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, published in The Nelson-Atkins
Museum of Art. A Handbook of the Collection, New York, 1993, pl. 283; another exhibited in Ancient Chinese and
Ordos Bronzes, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1990, cat. no. 128; a third, in the Collection of Crown Prince
of Sweden Gustaf Adolf, published in Nils Palmgren, ed., Selected Chinese Antiquities from the collection of Gustaf
Adolf Crown Prince of Sweden, Stockholm, 1948, pl. 22, fig. 8; a fourth offered in these rooms, 9th December 1987,
lot 138; and another gilt-bronze belt hook of a similar size, cast with a slightly different design, but executed in the
same intricate fashion, illustrated in Seiichi Mizuno, Tenri Sankōkan zuroku [Collection from Tenri Sankokan], Nara,
1967, pl. 91. See also related belt hooks cast with a similar design but also inlaid with glass beads, including one in the
Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, published in Ancient Chinese Arts in the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1989, pl. 224; and two
sold at auction, one reported to have been discovered in Jincun, formerly in the collection of Robert W. Bliss, sold in
these rooms, 6th December 1983, lot 91, and the other sold at Christie’s London, 10th December 1984, lot 797.
本品帶鉤紋飾精細繁複,彰顯東周晚期至漢代工匠創思之 摩,1948年,圖版22,圖8;例四售於紐約蘇富比1987
豐富、技藝之卓絕。本品屬一小類銅鎏金帶鉤,以尺寸碩 年12月9日,編號,138;此外可比較一鎏金銅帶鉤例,
大及紋飾精巧見著,博物館藏及私人收藏可見,包括堪薩 尺寸相近,紋飾稍異,造工細緻,圖載於水野清一,《天
斯城納爾遜-阿特金斯藝術博物館收藏一例,紋飾相近, 理参考館図錄》,奈良,1967年,圖版91。另比數例,紋
載於《The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. A Handbook 飾相近,嵌琉璃珠,其一現藏於現藏於東京出光美術館,
of the Collection》,紐約,1993年,圖版283;另一 載於《中国の工芸:出光美術館蔵品図録》,東京,1989
例曾展於《青銅聚英:中國古代與鄂爾多斯青銅器》, 年,圖版224;再比兩例,售於拍賣會,其一據報金村出
香港藝術館,香港,1990年,編號128;例三現存於瑞 土,曾屬Robert W. Bliss收藏,售於紐約蘇富比1983年
典王儲古斯塔夫•阿道夫收藏,載於Nils Palmgren編, 12月6日,編號91,另一例售於倫敦佳士得1984年12月10
《Selected Chinese Antiquities from the collection 日,編號797。
of Gustaf Adolf Crown Prince of Sweden》,斯德哥爾