Page 118 - Japanese Art September 2017 New York
P. 118
(another view) (another view)
YABU MEIZAN (1853-1934)
A large and highly important Satsuma presentation vase Yabu Meizan (1853-1934), the most successful of all manufacturers
Meiji era (1868-1912) early 20th century of Satsuma ware, opened his workshop in Osaka in 1880 and first
The square-sided vase finished with a slightly tapered cylindrical garnered critical acclaim in 1885 when he won a bronze medal at
neck and decorated in polychrome enamels and gilt with four panels the Fourteenth Kyoto Exhibition. From 1888 he concentrated on
raised in relief containing scenes of three Japanese macaques in a the export market, particularly the United States, producing wares
blossoming cherry tree, a winter landscape, an autumn landscape, decorated with Chinese or Buddhist subjects, but during the 1890s
and groups of people enjoying chrysanthemums in bloom, the edges he began to favor native Japanese themes. Throughout the first
of the panels painted with repeated dots within circles and the decade of the twentieth century, Yabu focused his energy on the
surrounding areas decorated with scrolling vines and flowers, the great international expositions, especially Paris (1900), St Louis
shoulder with scattered chrysanthemums encircling the neck painted (1904), and London (1910), visiting each venue and playing a major
with lozenges containing stylized dragons above a keyfret band, the organizational role. It is highly likely that the present ambitious lot, an
rim with formal lappets and chrysanthemum among vines, signed in outstanding example of the mature Yabu style, was intended for one
gilt on the underside Yabu Meizan in a double square reserve; with a of these influential global events.
fitted hardwood stand, probably original to the vase
14 1/2in (36.7cm) high (not including base)
US$80,000 - 100,000