Page 28 - Bonhams Chinese Scholar's Art March 2014
P. 28

8042          8043

8044          8042
26 | Bonhams  A grey nephrite snuff bottle
              Of compressed ovoid form with a slightly concave lip, a straight neck and
              concave foot, the interior very-well hollowed, the stone with russet and
              grey striations, a black patch, and icy white inclusions.
              2 3/8in (5.9cm) high
              $3,000 - 5,000

              A nephrite snuff bottle
              Likely Palace Workshops, Beijing 1730-1780
              Of baluster form, very well hollowed, with a flat lip and shallowly recessed
              foot; carved in low relief with a repeating pattern of archaistic kui
              dragons, the surface with overall staining.
              2 3/8in (6cm) high
              $6,000 - 9,000

              A white nephrite snuff bottle
              The form imitating a porcelain moon flask, with a flat, everted lip and a high
              foot rim, the front with a low relief carving of twin archaistic kui dragons
              around a stylized shou medallion, an identical design on the reverse.
              1 3/4in (4.4cm) high
              $2,000 - 3,000
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