Page 431 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
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                   made  the  appointment  at  the  request  of  Forbes•  cousin  Robert

                   Bennet  Forbes.  Enclosed  in  the  commission  was  Webster's  noti­

                   fication  of  the  Administration's  decision  to  despatch  an  envoy

                   to  China.  Congress  had  appropriated  funds  for  a  diplomatic

                   mission  to  settle  commercial  and  political  relations  between  the

                   United  States  and  China.           The  Secretary  instructed  Forbes  to

                   inform  the  Chinese  government  of  the  intended  arrival  of  a

                   special  envoy  from  the  United  States.                  On  October  2  the  new
                   consul  met  with  Imperial  Commissioner  Ch i-ying  and  Governor­
                   general  Ch i  Kung  to  present  his  credentials.  He  dutifully

                   advised  the  Chinese  officials  of  the  American  mission  and  reported

                   that  Commissioner  Ch'i-ying  "stated  that·  not  only  the  Emperor  &

                   himself  but  also  the  people  of  China  looked  upon  the  Americans
                   as  friends.                    That  same  month  the  Chinese  government

                   officially  opened  the  ports  of  Amoy  and  Shanghai  to  foreign  trade.

                   The  English  despatched  consuls  to  the  new  ports,  as  commercial

                   affairs  began  to  operate  "tolerably  well"  under  the  new  system.

                  American  merchants  did  not  wait  for  the  mission  to  arrive  but

                   despatched  their  own  vessels  to  the  coastal  ports.  They  neverthe­

                   less  anxiously  awaited  the  envoy•s  arrival  to  give  the  status  of
                  Americans  in  China  under  the  new  system  a  legal  foundation.

                                 u.s.,  Department  of  State,  Consular  Instructions:  Canton,
                  May  18,  1843.        Forbes  acknowledged  the  instructions  in  Consular
                  Despatches:  Canton,  P.S.  Forbes,  Oct.  7,  1843.
                                 consular  Despatches:  Canton,  P.S.  Forbes,  Oct.  7,  1843.
                  Ch'i-ying  memorialized  to  the  Emperor  on  the  same  meeting,  in
                   I-wu-shih-mo:        Tao-kuang,  LXIX,  3,  and  Swisher,  Management  of
                  American  Barbarians,  pp.  133-34.

                                 Letter,  Nye,  Parkins  &  Co.  to  A.A.  Low,  Nov.  4,  1843,
                   Library  of  Congress,  Low  Family  MSS.              Letter,  A.  Heard  &  Co.  to
                   W.  Appleto�  &  Co.,  Feb�  11,  1844,  William  Appleton  &  Co.  MSS.  The
                   auotation  is  Heard's,  in  Letter,  A.  Heard  to  S.  Russell,  Dec.  13,
                   1843,  Library  of  Congress,  Russell  &  Co.  MSS.
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