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                  align  more  closely  with  Adams.  An  Anglophobe  from  youth,

                  Cushing  never  wavered  from  a  distrust  of  England.
                              Cushing,  elected  to  the  House  in  1834  as  an  ardent  Whig,

                  had  become  just  as  zealous  in  his  defense  of  Tyler  after  his

                  succession  to  the  Presidency.  As  a  result,  he  incurred  the
                  acrimony  of  Henry  Clay  and  the  majority  of  the  Whig  party.  In

                  1842,  out  of  political  expediancy,  Cushing  decided  not  to  run

                  again  for  Congress.  He  anticipated  an  appointment  from  Tyler

                  to  the  Cabinet  and  the  President  did  not  fail  him.                 The  Whigs

                  in  Congress  were  not  about  to  confirm  Tyler's  nomination  of  a

                  man  who  had  deserted  them.  Consequently,  the  Senate  rejected

                  Cushing's  name  three  consecutive  times  as  Secretary  of  the

                  Treasury.  But  Cushing,  as  Adams  noted,  "has  not  made  his  court

                  to  Captain  Tyler  in  vain.  His  obsequiousness  and  sacrifice  of

                  principle  lost  him  the  favor  of  his  constituents,                       .but  Mr.

                  Tyler  had  more  precious  favors  in  his  gift,  and  has  lavished

                                                               11  52
                  them  in  profusion  upon  Cushing.                  The  President's  appointment
                  of  Cushing  as  minister  to  China  occurred  while  Congress  was  not

                  in  session.  When  the  Senate  discussed  the  matter  in  therext
                  sessionu  Cushing  was  already  in  China.

                              Aside  from  Adams'  crusty  cormnent,  most  Whigs  interested

                  in  foreign  affairs  did  not  seriously  object  to  Cushing's  appoint-

                                 claude  M.  Fuess,  "Caleb  Cushing,  a  Memoir,"  Massachu­
                  setts  Historical  Society,  Proceedings,  LXIV  (1930-32),  440-41.
                  Fuess,  Life  of  Caleb  Cushing.
                                 Adams,  Memoirs,  XI,  338.
                                 Fuess,  Life  of  Caleb  Cushing,  I,  412.              See  earlier
                  chapters  in  Fuess,  Life  of  Caleb  Cusing  and  Fuess,  Daniel  Webster
                  for  the  growth  of  the  split  between  Tyler  and  the  Whigs  and
                  Cushing's  role  in  it.
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