Page 437 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 437


                 ment.  Webster,  formerly  a  very  close  friend  of  Cushing,  affir-

                 med  Tyler's  choice  before  its  public  announcement.  Other  Whigs  who

                 had  risen  politically  with  Cushing,  men  :ike  Levi  Lincoln  and  Rufus

                 Choate,  also  endorsed  Tyler's  choice.  Even  Adams,  a  colleague  of

                 Cushing  on  the  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs,  breakfasted  with
                 the  minister  shortly  before  he  embarked  for  China.                      Adams,

                 like  the  others,  recognized  Cushing's  intelligence  and.orator-

                 ical  ability.  Always  interested  in  foreign  affairs  himself,

                 Cushing  had  pressed  for  greater  governmental  concern  for  China

                 as  early  as  1840.  He  feared  that  England  might  obtain  exclu-

                 sive  commercial  privileges  from  the  Chinese  to  the  detriment

                 of  American  merchants.           In  1842  he  had  written  Tyler  that  the

                 United  States  should,  "by  the  extent  of  our  commerce,  act  in

                 counterpoise  to  that  of  England,  &  thus  save  the  Chinese  from

                 that  which  would  be  extremely  inconvenient  for  them,  viz.,  the

                 condition  of  being  an  exclusive  monopoly  in  the  hands  of  England.
                         II  55
                                This  concern  for  the  state  of  foreign  commerce  in

                 China  helped  prompt  the  Administration  to  action  in  late  1842.

                 Cushing's  appointment  in  May  1843,  then,  was  more  than  a  polit­

                 ical  reward  to  a  friend.  Both  Tyler  and  Webster  believed  the

                 mission  to  China  an  important  diplomatic  post  that  required  a

                 talented  agent.

                             Cushing  received  his  commissions  and  official  instruc-

                               Fuess,  Life  of  Caleb  Cushing,  I,  413.
                               Fuess,  Life  of  Caleb  Cushing,  I,  406-07.  Cushing  had
                 displayed  such  an  attitude  toward  England  in  Congress  as  early  as
                 1840,  when  the  House  first  discussed  the  situation  in  China"  U.S.,
                 Congress,  House,  26th  Cong.,  1st  sess.,  Mar.  16,  1840,  Congres­
                 sional  Globe,  p.  275.
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