Page 442 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
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                  despatch  a  mission  to  China,  the  consul  had  then  included  the

                  possibility  of  Cushing s  seeing  the  Emperor.                   The  Chinese  be­
                  lieved  they  had  successfully  dissuaded  the  consul  of  the  desir­

                   ability  of  such  an  idea  at  that  time.  Forbes•  meeting  had  been

                  with  Imperial  Commissioner  Ch i-ying,  who  had  just  signed  the
                  Supplementary  Treaty  with  the  English.  The  Commissioner  argued

                  that  the  envoy•s  presence  at  Peking  would  be  very  inconvenient

                  and  completely  unnecessary.  Ch i-ying  instructed  the  consul
                  that  he,  as  Imperial  Commissioner,  had  the  requisite  power  and

                  authority  "to  deliberate  upon  and  manage  the  foreign  affairs"  of

                  the  Chinese  Empire.  He  further  emphasized  that  on  his  own

                  initiative  he  "did  not  wait  for  the  American  Merchants  to  make

                  the  request,  but  immediately  informed  beforehand  the  Consular

                  Agent  of  the  U.S.A.  E.  King,  Esq.  that  according  to  the  new  Laws

                  their  duties  would  be  levied  and  also  that  they  were  permitted

                  to  resort  to  the  newly  opened  ports  and  in  the  manner  (with  the

                  English)  to  trade."          In  Ch i-ying s  estimation  the  American
                  government  had  no  reason  to  send  an  envoy  to  China.  Forbes

                  could  only  promise  the  Commissioner  that  he  would  duly  notify
                  his  government  of  the  Commissioner•s  statements.                      From  this

                  answer,  the  Chinese  concluded  that  probably  no  American  envoy

                  Yu-ts'ai  as  Ching  and  to  Ch'i-ying  as  Tsiyeng  or  Kiying.                    For  a
                  biographical  sketch  of  Ch'i-ying,  see  Eminent  Chinese  of  the
                  Ch ing  Period,  ed.  by  Arthur  W.  Hummel  (2  vols;  Washington,
                  1943-44),  I,  130.

                              64                                  1
                                 cushing's  letter  to  Ch eng  and  his  correspondence  with
                  Forbes  is  in  Diplomatic  Despatches:  China,  C.  Cushing,  Mar.  4,  1844.
                              65    1          1
                                 ch i-ying s  reply  is  in  Consular  Despatches:  Canton,  P.S.
                  Forbes,  Oct.  7,  1843.
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