Page 446 - Merchants and Mandarins China Trade Era
P. 446
told him that he, a Minister Plenipotentiary, would not nego
tiate with a minor official like the governor. Cushing wrote
that he could not, "consistently with the views and instructions
of his Government, discuss either questions with any person, how
ever eminent in character and station, except that person be an
Imperial Corrunissioner." But Cushing did imply that he might con
sider the treaty his more important task. He admitted to Ch'eng
that he would settle corrunercial matters at Macao, if an Imperial
Corrunissioner would come there.
But, sensing that only a threat such as his proposed trip
would force Ch'eng to act quickly, Cushing reiterated his plan
to leave Macao as soon as his squadron was ready. Correspon
dence between Cushing and Ch'eng continued throughout the next
few weeks with each man repeating the same arguments. The gover
nor, awaiting a response from the Imperial Court to his memorial,
sought to placate Cushing to keep him at Macao. He conjoled
the American envoy to wait for "the Imperial will pointing out
the proper course of procedure." Cushing himself became
increasingly impatient. The notes from Ch'eng contained no
indication of action by the Imperial government. Cushing ex
pressed his dissatisfaction to his chief translator Peter Parker,
who resided at Canton. Parker, stressing the friendliness that
had characterized relations between Americans and Chinese in
a e
Cus h' ing s et er to C h' eng, d t d Mar. 23 , is in Dip-
lomatic Despatches: China, C. Cushing, Mar. 26, 1844.
Ch'eng's letter of Apr. 1 is in Diplomatic Despatches:
China, C. Cushing, Apr. 10, 1844. See also despatch of Apr. 16,
1844 with enclosures.