Page 68 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 68

           A RARE BLACK POTTERY STEMCUP      Provenance:                      The present lot is a rare example of a wheel-
           Neolithic Period, Longshan Culture    Gisele Croes Arts D’Extreme Orient, Brussels,   made pottery vessel of the Longshan culture,
           The thinly potted vessel with an angular bell-  1995               also sometimes known as the Black Pottery
           shaped cup ending in a trumpet mouth and   Jean-Yves Ollivier Collection   Culture. Spread across today’s Shandong
           raised on a hollow tear-drop-shaped stem                           Province from about 3000 to 1900 BC, the
           pierced with vertical rows of small holes   Published and Illustrated:   Longshan culture was noted for its highly
           rising from a pedestal foot defined by slightly   G.Croës, XVII Biennale des Antiquaires, Paris,   polished ‘egg-shell’ black pottery.
           spreading upright sides.          10-24 November 1994, pp.16-17
           20cm (8in) high.                                                   The present stemcup is notable for its even
                                             來源:                              potting, paper-thin walls and glossy black
           £5,000 - 8,000                    布魯塞爾古董商吉賽爾藝廊,1995年               sheen. Examples of related black ‘eggshell’
           CNY45,000 - 71,000                歐洲私人收藏                           pottery stemcups are illustrated by R.Krahl,
                                                                              Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang
           新石器時代 龍山文化 黑陶高足杯                  展覽及出版:                           Collection, vol.3 (I), London, 2006, pls.1058-
                                             吉賽爾著,《XVII Biennale des Antiquaires   1063. Krahl noted that the use of the potter’s
                                             (第十七屆古董雙年展)》,巴黎,1994年            wheel was a technological innovation of
                                             11月10-24日                        the period and enabled more sophisticated
                                                                              forming than the coil-built method traditionally
                                                                              used. With the new technology of the potter’s
                                                                              wheel, eggshell-thin vessels could be made
                                                                              by shaving the walls to minimal thickness.
                                                                              In addition to this, the appearance of
                                                                              weightlessness was created by the addition of
                                                                              pierced openwork.

                                                                              Compare with two related examples in the
                                                                              same style with different lower bodies, which
                                                                              were sold at Christie’s New York, 2 June 1994,
                                                                              lot 228 and 21 September 1995, lot 580.


                                                                              Regina Krahl 康蕊君著,《Chinese Ceramics
                                                                              from the Meiyintang Collection(玫茵堂中國

                                                                              A BURNISHED BLACK POTTERY
                                                                              TWO-HANDLED AMPHORA
                                                                              Han Dynasty
                                                                              Each side carved with two spirals seeming
                                                                              to issue from the base of the broad strap
                                                                              handles, with finely hatched bands on the
                                                                              faceted neck below the rim formed by an
                                                                              angular spout on either side.
                                                                              34cm (13 1/2in) high.
                                                                              £10,000 - 15,000
                                                                              CNY89,000 - 130,000

                                                                              漢 黑陶雙耳罐

                                                                              Gisèle Croës Arts D’Extreme Orient, 1996
                                                                              Jean-Yves Ollivier Collection


                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           66  |  BONHAMS                         please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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