Page 69 - Bonhams Olivier Collection Early Chinese Art November 2018
P. 69

Many non-Han people lived in southwest China, even after the   罐翻唇,束頸,鼓腹,雙耳接口沿而連罐身,頸部飾篦紋,餘身光
           establishment of the Qin and Han dynasties. Unusually shaped   素,通體灰黑,質地堅實。
           amphorae, such as the present lot, may have been the product of
           the Qiang, a tribal people who probably came from the steppe but   此壺或為羌人作品。羌人先秦時期活躍於中國西北,秦漢時期足跡達
           later also lived in the region of the Dian in southwest China. Vessels   致西南蜀地和滇域。類似的扁平耳黑陶罐在四川廣有出土,大英博物
           such as this with lozenge shaped mouths and twin flat handles have   館藏有一例,定於西漢早期,可資參考,館藏編號1932,0216.1。
           been discovered in present day Sichuan and are known as Lifan
           ware, after the area in Sichuan Province where such jars have been   Oxford Authentication Ltd公司熱釋光檢測結果(2018年8月1日,編
           found. A similar vessel, 206BC - 220, probably from Sichuan, is in the   號C118j33)顯示年代與本拍品年代一致。
           British Museum (acc no.1932,0216.1). The same vessel has also been
           discussed and illustrated by S.Vainker, Chinese Pottery and Porcelain:
           From Prehistory to the Present, London, 1991, p.43, fig.30.

           The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
           no.C118j33, dated 1 august 2018, is consistent with the dating of
           this lot.

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