Page 32 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 32


          北      A PAINTED CIZHOU CIRCULAR BOX                       北宋/金   磁州窯白地黑花葉紋圓蓋盒
          宋/     AND COVER
          金      NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)
                 The box and slightly domed cover are both covered in white slip,    來源
          磁      and the cover is painted in brown slip with a foliate motif, all under a   北山美術店,東京。
          州      clear glaze.                                        展覽
          窯      3√ in. (9.8 cm.) diam., Japanese double wood box    和泉市久保惣記念美術館,《 「盒」- 東アジアのふたもの》,
          白                                                          和泉,1984年3月13至18日。
          磁      $6,000-8,000                         £4,700-6,200   文獻
          合                                            €5,200-6,900  和泉市久保惣記念美術館,《「盒」- 東アジアのふたもの》,
          子      PROVENANCE                                          和泉,1984年,編號40。
                 Kitayama Fine Arts, Tokyo.
                 EXHIBITED                                           西陶瓷),上海,1984年,編號37。另有一例Falk珍藏帶近似花紋
                 Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, Box and Covers in East Asia, Izumi,   之蓋盒,於紐約佳士得Falk珍藏中國瓷器及工藝精品(第一部分)拍
                 13-18 March 1984.                                   賣,2001年10月16日,拍品63號。
                 Kuboso Memorial Museum of Art, Box and Covers in East Asia, Izumi,
                 1984, no. 40.
                 A circular covered box of this distinctive compressed form, also
                 decorated with a foral spray painted in dark slip, is illustrated in
                 Zhongguo Taoci Quanji, 28, (Shanxi taoci), Shanghai, 1984, no. 37.
                 Another similarly painted circular box and cover was formerly in the
                 Falk collection and sold at Christie’s New York, The Falk Collection I:
                 Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 16 October 2001, lot 63.

          30     Masterpieces of Cizhou Ware: The Linyushanren Collection, Part IV     磁州窯集珍:古韻天成-臨宇山人珍藏(四)
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