Page 97 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 97


               北      A SMALL BROWN-GLAZED RIBBED JAR                     北宋/金   褐釉堆線紋雙繫小罐
               宋/     NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)
               金      The globular body is raised on a slightly splayed foot and the neck    來源
                      is fanked by two strap handles. The sides are applied with four   繭山龍泉堂,東京。
               黒      groups of two slender lines of creamy-white slip to form raised,   千秋庭,東京。
                      vertical ribs. The jar is covered inside and out with a brownish-
               釉      black glaze suffused with yellowish-russet mottling which stops
               白      above the unglazed foot, and thins to a brownish color at the edges.
               堆      4º in. (10.7 cm.) high, Japanese  wood box
               文      $6,000-8,000                       £4,700-6,200
               双                                         €5,200-6,900
               耳      PROVENANCE
               瓶      Mayuyama, Tokyo.
                      Sen Shu Tey, Tokyo.
                      Toguri Museum of Art, Tokyo.
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