Page 98 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 98


         金       A LARGE PAINTED CIZHOU SLENDER                      金   磁州窯白地黑彩花葉紋梅瓶
         磁       JIN DYNASTY (1115-1234)
         州       The elongated body is fuidly painted in brown on a white slip    來源
         窯       and under a clear glaze with a broad band of abstract foral scroll   井上オリエンタルアート,東京。
         白       between a band of upright petals below and further foliate    此類高挑纖長的梅瓶有兩種形制:其一如同本拍品之小唇口,其二
                 decoration on the shoulder.
         地                                                           則有較長之頸,口部亦較寬。第一類如同本拍品之梅瓶通常帶蕨狀
         鉄       18¿ in. (45.5 cm.) high, Japanese wood box          葉紋。蓑豐與蔣人和在《Freedom of Clay and Brush through
                                                                     Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou Type Wares,
         絵       $6,000-8,000                         £4,700-6,200   960-1600 A.D.》,印第安納波利斯,1980年,160頁中探討磁州梅
         草                                             €5,200-6,900  瓶的兩種器形,並引述第一種唇口器形可能產於禹縣。納爾遜-阿特
         文       Inouye Oriental Art, Tokyo.
         梅       Tall, narrow meiping of similar decoration were made in two different
         瓶       shapes. The frst shape, like the present meiping, has a small mouth
                 with a lipped rim, and the other shape has a tall mouth with a wider,
                 ovoid rim. Meiping of the frst shape are also often decorated like
                 the present meiping, with bands of abstract frond-like leaves.  Yutaka
                 Mino and Katherine R. Tsiang discuss the two types in Freedom of
                 Clay and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-chou
                 Type Wares, 960-1600 A.D., Indianapolis, 1980, p. 160, and cite
                 that the frst type was likely make in Yuxian. A similar meiping in
                 the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum of Fine Arts,
                 Kansas City, is illustrated in ibid., p. 161.

          96     Masterpieces of Cizhou Ware: The Linyushanren Collection, Part IV     磁州窯集珍:古韻天成-臨宇山人珍藏(四)
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