Page 89 - Rassmusen Asian Art, November 29, 2022
P. 89

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                                                       A Korean gilt copper alloy figure of a crowned Buddha,            A Korean gilt bronze figure of a standing Buddha, with
                                                       he is seated in dhyanasana with both hands in his lap             a pleated robe reaching his feet placed slightly apart,
                                                       holding a chintamani casket, jewellery adorns his chest           hands in the protection and compassion gesture, the
                                                       and with a high crown on his head. Joseon dynasty,                hair is plain. Cast with two openings in the back and
                                                       16th-17th century. Weight 7493 g. H. 45 cm.                       a small hook. On stand. Unified Silla to early Goryeo
                                                                        DKK 30,000–40,000 / € 4,050–5,400                dynasty. 9th/10th century. Weight 250 g. H. 10 cm.
                                                                                                                                         DKK 20,000–30,000 / € 2,700–4,050
                                                             估价: 30.000-40.000 丹麦克朗 (4.050-5.400欧元)                      朝鲜铜佛像,9-10世纪。高10厘米,重250克。
                                                                                                                              估价: 20.000-30.000 丹麦克朗 (2.700-4.050欧元)


                                                                                                                                                                      A Sri Lankan copper alloy figure of a standing Buddha,
                                                                                                                                                                      right hand in the abhaya mudra engraved with a flower
                                                                                                                                                                      in his palm, the left holding his minutely pleated robe,
                                                                                                                                                                      with delicate face, ears and flaming usnisha. Kandyan
                                                                                                                                                                      Period, 18th century. Weight 177 g. H. 10 cm.
                                                                                                                                                                                      DKK 10,000–15,000 / € 1,350–2,000

                                                                                                                                                                           估价: 10.000-15.000 丹麦克朗 (1.350-2.000欧元)
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