Page 91 - Rassmusen Asian Art, November 29, 2022
P. 91

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           A Tibetan gilt copper alloy figure of Akshobhya Buddha,                                                                                               A Tibetan gilt copper alloy figure of Buddha Shakyamuni, he
           he is seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus throne, right                                                                                            is seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus throne, the right
           hand in the bhumisparsha mudra, the left resting on his lap                                                                                           hand in the bhumisparsha mudra, the left in a meditating
           holding an upright vajra. With fine details of facial traits,                                                                                         pose. Sealed base plate engraved with an asymmetrical and
           defined earlobes, drop shaped urna, robe's broad border                                                                                               simple visvavajra inside a lotus flower the size of the base
           and the lotus petals. Back of lotus throne bare and with                                                                                              plate. 14th century. Weight 600 g. H. 14 cm.
           red lacquer remains. Sealed. 16th century. Weight 235 g.                                                                                                                   DKK 30,000–40,000 / € 4,050–5,400
           H. 9 cm.           DKK 20,000–30,000 / € 2,700–4,050

           西藏铜鎏金不动佛像,16世纪。高9厘米,重235克。                                                                                                                                      估价: 30.000-40.000 丹麦克朗 (4.050-5.400欧元)
                   估价: 20.000-30.000 丹麦克朗 (2.700-4.050欧元)



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