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Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing
The present lot epitomises much of the stylistic achievements in 此拍品可謂是清代乾隆王朝陶瓷藝術成就斐然的縮影,其精美絕倫的
porcelain production during the Qianlong period. From the smooth 陶瓷工藝足以讓後人一窺乾隆盛世之貌。瓶胎胚堅白細潤,端莊秀
white body, perfectly formed in a softly flattened ‘moon’ shape, 麗,呈馬掛瓶造型,頸、肩處飾對稱綬帶耳,從其短頸到橢圓形圈
complemented by the delicate handles and perfectly proportioned 足,比例相當協調,青花繪雲朵與海水江崖,釉裏紅繪正面龍戲珠
neck and foot, to the strongly delineated deep copper-red five-clawed 紋,紋飾線條流暢,燒製技術高,盡顯皇家風範。作為宮廷御用之
dragon emerging from dramatically rolling and splashing waves, and 物,此龍紋乃最適合皇帝至高無上的身份。
the technical perfection of the painting, enamelling and control of the
glaze during firing, the vase embodies the imperial style. As a symbol 類似本器的傳世品十分稀見,參考其中一件相似例子,由Charles O.
the emperor himself, the dragon is a most fitting subject for a vase Liddell上校(1854-1941年)所得,並曾出展於倫敦Bluett的展覽,見
destined to grace one of the halls of an imperial palace. Bluett and Sons編《The Liddell Collection of Old Chinese Porcelain》
Compare a very similar underglaze blue and copper-red-glaze 瓶,分別以黃釉和松石綠釉作地,與以上例子著錄在同一頁,此件松
‘dragon’ moonflask acquired by Captain Charles O. Liddell (1854- 石綠釉例子後來拍賣於倫敦邦瀚斯,2013年11月7日,拍品編號36。
1941) and included in Bluett & Son Ltd. exhibition The Liddell
Collection of Old Chinese Porcelain, London, June 1929, no.207. 另一件例子曾於1965年出展於Norton收藏的《Exhibition of Chinese
See also a second and third ‘dragon’ vase from the same collection, Ceramics》,編號116,現藏於悉尼新南威爾斯藝術館,於1964年
individually decorated with an overglaze enamel yellow ground and 購得,編號EC.1.1964;清宮舊藏裡也有一例,見耿寶昌編《故宮博
turquoise ground, which were exhibited and illustrated together; the 物院藏文物珍品全集:青花釉裏紅(下)》,香港,2000年,圖版
turquoise-ground vase was subsequently sold in our London rooms, 213;也可參考徐氏藝術館舊藏,見楊伯達編《徐氏藝術館:陶瓷IV
7 November 2013, lot 36. 清代》,香港,1995年,圖版84;最後,請參見Gerald Reitlinger舊
藏,見Soame Jenyns編《Later Chinese Porcelain》,倫敦,1971
For other examples closely related to the current lot, see an exhibited 年,圖版XCIV,圖1。
example from the Norton Collection, Exhibition of Chinese Ceramics,
no.116, in the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, acquired in
1964 (accession no.EC.1.1964). An example from the Qing Court
Collection is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
Palace Museum. Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed Red
(III), Hong Kong, 2000, no.213. Compare another illustrated by Yang
Boda, The Tsui Museum of Art: Chinese Ceramics IV: Qing Dynasty,
Hong Kong, 1995, no.84, and also one from the Gerald Reitlinger
collection, illustrated by S.Jenyns, Later Chinese Porcelain, London,
1971, pl.XCIV, fig.1.
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