Page 147 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 147

The prototypes for the present lot are the great blue and white                  此壺造型仿明永樂青花式樣,端莊秀美,充分展示了十八世紀時期青
moonflasks from the Yongle period, a particularly fine example of                花瓷的魅力。倫敦大英博物館藏一件明永樂的青花佳作可作參考,
which is currently exhibited in the British Museum and illustrated by            見R.Krahl和J.Harrison-Hall,《Chinese Ceramics: Highlights from the
R.Krahl and J.Harrison-Hall, Chinese Ceramics: Highlights from the               Percival David Collection》,倫敦,2009年,頁59-61,編號28。
Percival David Collection, London, 2009, p.59-61, no.28. However
R.Scott also notes that the shape may originally derive from Syrian              至清雍正時期,御窯廠燒造了許多做工精湛的上乘之作,北京故宮博
glassware, see Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art: A Guide to              物院藏一件雍正帶款例子(36.5厘米高)可作比較,參閱
the Collection, London, 1989, Catalogue, no.61.                                  《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:青花釉裏紅(下)》,香港,2000
Similarly spectacular moonflasks were produced during the early                  J.Ayers,《Chinese Ceramics in the Baur Collection》,第二冊,
Qing Dynasty: compare an example with a Yongzheng mark and                       日內瓦,1999年,頁88-89,編號A573。再參考一件清雍正無款例
of the period (36.5cm high), illustrated in The Complete Collection              子,紋飾與本器十分相似,見朱湯生,《中國瓷器莊紹綏收藏》,香
of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Blue and White Porcelain with                 港,2009年,編號34。
Underglazed Red (III), Hong Kong, 2000, no.97. Another example also
with a Yongzheng mark and of the period but decorated on yellow-                 上述例子的尺寸均比本器大幾乎一倍,更顯出本器的精巧玲瓏,而且
enamelled ground (36.9cm high), is illustrated by J.Ayers, Chinese               要燒製出這種胎體均稱而不顯厚重的小器難度極高,類似於本器的例
Ceramics in the Baur Collection, Vol.2., Geneva, 1999, pp.88-89 col.             子於傳世品鮮見,具欣賞價值。對比一件尺寸相若的青花胭脂彩龍紋
no.A573. See also a very similar piece (36.5cm high), unmarked but               扁壺(16.8厘米高),拍賣於倫敦邦瀚斯,2012年5月17日,拍品編
dated to the Yongzheng period, illustrated by J.Thompson, The Alan               號347。
Chuang Collection of Chinese Porcelain, Hong Kong, 2009, no.34.

It is highly unusual to find a moonflask of such small size and delicacy,
but it is interesting to note that the present piece is almost exactly half the
size of the Yongzheng examples listed above. Compare another small
moonflask (16.8cm high) decorated in blue and white with a dragon in
puce enamel, sold in our London rooms, 17 May 2012, lot 347.

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